
"Stripping" For Family Values

Wisconsin Republicans Take Strip Club Cash

Recent campaign finance reports show Republican Majority Leader Michael Huebsch of West Salem is the latest of five legislators since 2003 to accept campaign contributions from a western Wisconsin strip club owner.

Huebsch, a graduate of fundamentalist Oral Roberts University, accepted $250 on August 9, 2005 from Ambrose Schwartz who is identified as owner of the 4 Mile Gentlemen’s Club (Warning: link may be offensive to some viewers) in Fountain City.

Read more: Big Money


Anonymous said...

Hey, I checked out the strip site.
It says conveniently located. do they mean conveniently located for Republican State legislators like Dave

Anonymous said...

I think I saw Rob Kiebeck handing out Packer schedules there. If you see Andy Lamb there, make sure he has a designated driver.