Mark Green’s Rhetoric vs. Reality
Green Can’t Hide from Extreme Record Far Outside Wisconsin Mainstream
MADISON – Mark Green sure is living in a dream world.
At the Republican State Convention in Appleton this past weekend, Mark Green did his best to try to hide from an extreme Washington record that is out of touch with Wisconsin families.
Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Joe Wineke said Mark Green’s campaign rhetoric just doesn’t match up with reality.
“On everything from education to health care to stem cell research, Green has staked out positions far outside the Wisconsin mainstream and has been a rubberstamp for the failed policies of President Bush and Republicans in Congress,” Wineke said. “It is nothing short of laughable for Mark Green to now claim to stand for Wisconsin values.”
Wineke said Wisconsin voters will see through Green’s rhetoric to the truth about his extreme, out-of-touch Washington record:
Stem Cell Research
GREEN’S RHETORIC: Mark Green claims he supports stem cell research.
REALITY CHECK: Mark Green has repeatedly tried to ban and even criminalize life-saving stem cell research pioneered right here in Wisconsin.
- Green opposes federal funding for stem cell research and has voted against it in Congress.
- Green has led the fight to ban, and even impose criminal penalties on, stem cell research.
- Green supports legislation vetoed by Governor Doyle that would threaten stem cell research and scientific advancement in the state.
GREEN’S RHETORIC: Mark Green says he will restore integrity to state government.
REALITY CHECK: Not only is Mark Green caught up in the Republican culture of corruption in Washington, he was involved in the caucus scandal as a state legislator in Madison.
- Green has taken more than $30,000 in campaign cash from the indicted Tom DeLay – and still refuses to clean his campaign of the dirty money, even though DeLay resigned from Congress.
- Green’s staffer repeatedly took ticket freebies from convicted influence peddler Jack Abramoff – and then tried to cover it up.
- Trial testimony and documents show that Green and two of his top aides illegally did campaign work on state time while they worked in the state Legislature.
Fiscal Responsibility
GREEN’S RHETORIC: Mark Green says he will restore fiscal responsibility to state government.
REALITY CHECK: Mark Green has a long record of reckless spending and fiscal irresponsibility.
- Green has helped Republicans in Congress turn record surpluses into record deficits, voting for four consecutive Bush budgets that increased federal spending by 33 percent.
- Green has repeatedly voted to increase the national debt limit by trillions of dollars, voting just this month to raise the limit even higher to nearly $10 trillion.
- As a state legislator, Green joined Republicans in voting for a 38 percent hike in state spending and helped create the largest budget deficit in state history – a $3.2 billion mess that Governor Doyle had to clean up.
- Green supports a TABOR proposal that would spell disaster for Wisconsin by drastically cutting public schools, health care, and public safety.
Wisconsin Values
GREEN’S RHETORIC: Mark Green claims he will fight for the people of Wisconsin.
REALITY CHECK: Mark Green has a long Washington record of voting for the wealthy and the special interests and against Wisconsin families.
- Green voted this month to approve a Bush tax bill that gives millionaires a $42,000 tax break, while middle class families will only see a mere $20 tax cut.
- Green voted last week for a GOP House budget that slashes education and health care for middle class families, while giving billion-dollar tax breaks to the wealthy and adding trillions more to the federal deficit.
- Green cast the deciding vote for the disastrous Bush Medicare drug plan that gave away nearly $200 billion to the big drug and insurance companies at the expense of America’s seniors.
GREEN’S RHETORIC: Mark Green claims that “education funding will always be a top priority,” and that he will “defend students” and “fight for their interests and their dreams.”
REALITY CHECK: Mark Green has a Washington record of voting against students and their families.
- Green voted for a House GOP budget last week that cuts funding for the U.S. Department of Education by $2.2 billion.
- Green cast the deciding vote in February to slash federal student aid by nearly $12 billion – the largest cut in the program’s history.
- Green has repeatedly voted to freeze Pell Grant scholarships for college students.
- As a state legislator, Green repeatedly voted for tuition increases in the state budget.
- While Green voted for No Child Left Behind, he has repeatedly voted since then to underfund the mandated federal program.