The Baker School Expansion Plan
As a fiscal conservative I will spend no penny before it's time.
I promise to stop the big spenders in their tracks and end wasteful
school district splurging.
Here are some examples of the
"James Baker Vote For Me Only Plan"
1. Early Childhood Education.
What do early children need and education for. I promise to put a
stop to children coming to school early. I'm a strong advocate of
just in time learning and just in time building. Children need to come to school
on time, not early, not late. If children are late for school
they'll be punished.
There are plenty of vacant structures in St. Croix county. Why should
the go to waste. Being over 100 years old shouldn't be an impediment
to learning. When enrollment tops capacity I plan to annex new facilities
on an "as needed" basis. There will be no waste of taxpayer funds in this area.
2. Science Education.
We all know the United States is falling behind in Science Education.
The Commie Pinko spendthrifts and teacher spouses claim it's because we haven't
invested enough in state of the art facilities. I say "nonsense". We are falling
behind in Math and Science because we haven't created enough hardship for our
young people. We all know hardship builds character so let's start building character
not buildings. As I've stated before, " You don't NEED running water to do good science."3. Sports and Physical Education
Simply stated, who needs them! Everbody knows that the college bound students are preparing
for a life long career of butt sitting, so why encourage them to waste time being fit.
Look at me. Butt sitting has hurt me any. We all know the exaggerated claims that physical
fitness is essential for a healthy lifestyle. I say "hogwash" this is just more of that
liberal "junk science" designed to line the pockets of teacher spouses. Just like cigarettes
being harmful to your health it's a myth propogated by the liberal press to stifle the wealth
building capabilities of the tobacco companies. Cigarette smoking and bad health habits are an
essential part of the American economy. The pharmaceutical companies need a continued supply of
sick people to maintain their profit margins. Let's not ruin it by wasting tax dollars for extra
curricular activities. Why do you think they call them EXTRA, it's because they are not needed. Let's
get back to the core curriculum and cut the fluff.
So there you have a preview of my plan for the Hudson Schools if elected.
It's Frugal, it's Basic, and it's Mine. I pledge, if elected to the board, Hudson's schools will reflect the same
high standards I adhere to on my website (James & and my plywood billboard campaign.
Vote for me and me only, Jim Baker, the only guy you really need on the school board.
Watchdog: Thanks for the good laugh tonight. My wife and high school son took a look and they were laughing so hard at the new facilities they had tears in their eyes. I think we move the bordeliners to Bakersfield, and then get on with life in the real world. TAKE BACK HUDSON!!!
Glad we could help serve you comedic
needs. That's what we're all about here at ATBL. Shining the bright light of baffoonery on the dimwit ideas of the dark side.
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