The Dr. Lil Bil Interview Transcribed
For those of you have haven't heard the Dr. Lil Bil nodcast at ontheborderline.nut, we have transcribed it in its entirety for your snoozing enlightenment.

O. No: Aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh, Dr. Lil Bil it is great that aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh you could join us. This is the aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh first of what we hope to be aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh many on the borderline aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh podcasts.
Dr. Lil Bil: Thanks for allowing me to have a transitional value-added convergence with someone of who is a pioneer in redefining distributed web services that exploit visionary methodologies and continue to prove that you are an envisioneer of out-of-the-box initiatives.
O. No.: Thanks aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh I think.
Dr. Lil Bil: I meant it as a compliment to one who understand how to reintermediate efficient functionalities.
O. No.: How’s the aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh book “The Price of aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh Spin” going?
Dr. Lil Bil: In the free market aggregate world-class system, it is enabling people with a GED to enable and envision 24/7 paradigms that utilize impactful experiences to leverage friction in communities that lack plug-and-play infrastructures which allow great intellects like me to strategize 24/7 ROIs. With the help of lackeys like you, we -- of course I mean I -- hope to facilitate virtual web-readiness sales while enhancing one-to-one infrastructures.
O. No.: I aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh agree with aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh 100 percent of 75 percent of what you aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh said. With the book aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh behind you, what is aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh next for you?
Dr. Lil Bil: I hope to optimize B2B mindshare by generating back-end e-commerce add-ons to facilitate global infrastructures that aggregate global paradigms so that we -- of course I mean I -- can enhance scalable action-items that redefine user-centric convergence so we -- of course again I mean I -- can deploy clicks-and-mortar interfaces that will allow me -- once again I mean I -- can deploy visionary applications that will allow me -- ditto -- to streamline the next-generation of idiots like you and Flash, Pavil, donttreadonme, Chris and the rest of you -- of course I don't mean I -- fruitcakes who built me up to the status of an intellectual leviathan.
O. No.: Well aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh Dr. Lil Bil I aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh hate to cut it short but aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh I have aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh a really big protein headache from all the aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh buzzwords flying around in your aaaaagh, gee, duh, silence, aaaaagh big head.
Dr. Lil Bil: Thanks for allowing a platform that lets me be an envisioneer of granular architectures that help enlighten easily fooled dupes like you by exposing my strategic vortals to leverage viral functionalities in a virtual world. Could I have some of those peanuts?