Right-Wing-nut Fruitcake Borderline Blog $14,113.50
Left-wing Collectivist, Statist, Socialist,
Fun Loving Abovetheborderline Blog $1,693.62
Spoofing, Mocking, Laughing and
having fun at ontheborderline.net's
expense. PRICELESS
Posted by
Andy Rand
If you folks want to start a fund to buy the OTBL blog, I would like to be the first contributor. For starters, I will throw in two cents.
Laz - I've got some vacation property in Florida I'd like to sell you too.
I always thought selling the Hudson Bridge across the St. Croix would be
a worthy feat of salesmenship. I'm surprised someone at OTBL hasn't tried it. Of course, selling their blog is a bout the closest thing to it.
If the OTBL'ers bought the bridge in Hudson, I'm sure their next step in privatizing the valley would be to be the sewage disposal plant. I'm sure they've already got the blueprints for the disposal plant to become their global headquarters.
**l*, they will probably buy the old dike bridge. This fits more there style, because they ain't going anywhere.
Someone from OTBL must have contacted
Technocrati and put in a good word for this blog. Just this weekend they claimed ATBL was worth over $3,ooo.
A 50% loss is a couple of days. Way to go ATBL, you may be forcasting what will happen to home values in Hudson.
I wonder how the bidding is going for OTBL? Has it gotten above 2 cents.
Those economic geniuses over there don't seem to listen to their own rhetoric. There is no real market value until someone is willing to buy. It'll be a cold day in hell before any idiot would pay $14,000 for that web rag.
"It'll be a cold day in hell before any idiot would pay $14,000 for that web rag."
I stand corrected. I forgot about guys like you Dick Chaney.
But what will you get for your $14K?
At least with HSO you can wrap fish.
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