
Who's The National Taxpayers Union?

Over at ontheborderline.net they continue to ride Ziller's broom stick pony and whoop about Ron Kind's legal campaign contributions from Indian tribes. . Now some new poster child over there named Lenvik Lad has decided that the National Taxpayers Union scorecard is all we need to know about Ron Kind. Of course Kind score very low on one of the favorite, right-wing, anti-tax groups previously headed by Grover Norquist.

Here's a quote about the NTU that might shade some darkness on their mission:

“If we don’t seize on this revolutionary moment to rein in taxes and rein in entitlements, we could be looking at a government headed for financial oblivion…and a populace that is so over-taxed and so desperate that we could be talking about real revolutions.”

- David Keating in 1995

Learn more about the NTU:
People For The American Way

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