Points To Ponder: What Do You Want to Change?
2006 Nobel Peace Prize nomoniees include U2's BonoFirst, ourselves, I suppose. To become better people. And second, the wickedness of the world. For a lot of people, the world is a desparate place. A third of the people who live in it cannot achieve sustenance. And there is no real reason for that, other than a certain selfishness and greed.
...Live Aid had raised $250 million -- which felt like an enormous sum of money -- and we were jumping up and down like we'd cracked it. Only to find out, years later, that what Africa spends every couple of weeks repaying the richest countries in the world for old loans taken out be dodgy dictators who were propped up in the Cold War to fight the Commies. Suddenly, the penny drops: There's a structural aspect to this poverty. This about justice, not poverty."
Bono of U2
Read more: Time Honors Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono
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