
Pssssst...Hey Over On The Border Line. Did You Hear TABOR Died In Colorado?

Public Schools Win; Pot Holes To Be Filled; Unsafe Bridges To Get Repaired; Regressives Weep On The Borderline

The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) is dead in Colorado, Joe Stengel told more than 40 small-government activists and conservative lawmakers from around the country in a national conference call Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Colorado voters approved Referendum C, which suspends TABOR surplus-tax refunds. The five-year timeout will allow tax revenues to grow so much that the TABOR cap eventually will be no cap at all, said Stengel, the Republican minority leader in the Colorado House and a leader of the opposition to Referendums C and D.

Denver Post coverage of TABOR-related vote results.
Referendum C coverage of TABOR-related vote results.
Referendum D coverage of TABOR-related vote results.

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