Conservative columnist wonders if it's time for the President's daughters to go to Iraq
“All of you understand that sacrifice is essential to winning war, and this war will require more sacrifice, more time and more resolve.”
President Bush, in his speech Tuesday, October 25 to the Joint Armed Forces Officers’ Wives Luncheon
Cindy Sheehan put it this way when she was camped outside Bush’s Texas ranch in August, trying unsuccessfully to get a meeting with him: “(I)f the cause is so noble, when are you going to send your daughters over there and let somebody else’s son come home?”
---Conservative columnist Roger Smith writes, “Given the President’s speech last week, I think that question is worth asking, though not quite the way Sheehan put it. The Bush twins are adults (they are 23), military service is voluntary in this country, and it is not the place of the President to “send” his daughters to Iraq.”
Read the full column taken from the New Hampshire Sunday Union Leader.
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