America for Sale
by William Norman Grigg
September 4, 2006As our government careens toward bankruptcy, Americans are being dispossessed by the outsourcing of industrial jobs and the buyout of our infrastructure by foreign interests.
We begin with a parable: Driven to the streets after a run of relentless misfortune, a man took up station on a street corner holding a hand-lettered sign stating: "Will work for food."
Most pedestrians and motorists passed the desperate man without so much as a second's worth of thought. One exception was a well-dressed businessman, who read the sign while waiting for the street light to change. But burdened by thoughts of his own concerns, the businessman gave in to a moment of imprudent sarcasm.
"You 'work for food'? I work for Visa!" he exclaimed to the sign-bearing man. "I'm working for food I ate years ago!" After getting the green light, the businessman launched one last unworthy gibe: "You're not broke — you're even!"
The homeless man eventually found a steady job paying just enough for him to get by and save a little money. His employer, a large and amoral conglomerate paying most of its employees subsistence wages, used its workers' savings (which the conglomerate controls) to make loans to spendthrifts like the heavily leveraged businessman — people who continued to live well beyond their means by stretching their credit lines well past the breaking point. At the same time, the conglomerate quietly used its expanding financial holdings to buy up practically everything in sight.
Eventually, the loans were called in, the debtors were unable to pay, and the businessman found himself — along with many of his fellow spendthrifts — working for that same predatory conglomerate. His earnings and standard of living were "harmonized downward" to those of the homeless man whose plight he had once mocked.
Adapted from a stand-up routine broadcast on Comedy Central about a decade ago, this parable is not intended to inspire mockery of the homeless or other unfortunate people. It's intended to encourage a realistic appraisal of our national economic condition. Think of the homeless man as symbolizing the poor but industrious Chinese population, willing and eager to work for a fraction of what Americans earn, and the businessman as a stand-in for an American population whose prosperity is largely a debt-enhanced illusion.
The conglomerate, of course, is the entity upon which our nation and our government have become increasingly dependent to underwrite that pseudo-prosperity: the Communist Chinese regime, which is rapidly acquiring the means quite literally to buy our country out from underneath us.
Indeed, the process of selling off public assets to foreign interests is already underway.
Read more @ The New American.
As long as we're telling homeless stories, I have one that comes from a Nightline segment years ago.
A chauffer driven limo in NYC, was stopped by an agressive "Window Washer" at a stop light. The washer squirted the windshield, wiped it with a rag and demanded $10 in payment for his "work".
Instead the businessman gave the washer his card and said " If you are in need of work call me at this number".
A few days later the "washer" was cleaning out his pockets and came across the card. Doubting that the buisnessman meant what he said, he called the number. To his surprise, he was given entry level job. To make a long story short. The man continued working and worked his way up to eventually become a manager of the hotel the business man owned.
True story!
His name wasn't Donlad Trump was it? The reason I ask is that some of those homeless people have unkempt hair.
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