
Teeing It Up

Norman Solomon, Executive Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, and author of 'War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.':

"One of the nation's leading pollsters, Andrew Kohut of the Pew Research Center, wrote a few weeks ago that among Americans 'there is little potential support for the use of force against Iran.' This month the White House has continued to emphasize that it is committed to seeking a diplomatic solution. Yet the U.S. government is very likely to launch a military attack on Iran within the next year. How can that be? In the runup to war, appearances are often deceiving. Official events may seem to be moving in one direction while policymakers are actually headed in another. On their own timetable, White House strategists implement a siege of public opinion that relies on escalating media spin. One administration after another has gone through the motions of staying on a diplomatic track while laying down flagstones on a path to war."

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