
"Penny Protector" aka Even Steven Calculates Election Waste

Even Steven (A.K.A. Penny Protector ) has calculated the outrageousexpense of the frivolous Wyeth recount. According to his Dr. Bill verified and unbiased opinion, the cost of the recount came to the rediculous amount of $1300. What an enormous amount to waste on discovering the truth.
Here's his "reasoning" provided by the illustrious Pavil:
"Let’s say Fett would fetch $50/hr, Campbell $40/hr,
two secretaries at $20/hr each for a total cost of around $1300 minimum."

Forget the fact that on a normal week day, like the day the recount took place these employees would have been paid anyway, and that 2 of them are salaried and get paid the same for a 80 hr. week as a 40 hr.week. I guess that just not part of Penny's equation.
Are you're curious how much this staggering waste of taxpayer money may have cost you....... are you ready........it's slightly over a whopping $0.13 and that's only if you voted. Divide that cost by each district
resident and it get even lower.

Now, calculate the hours spent by Penny, pouring over the annual budget with a magnifying glass, the hours and effort spent dragging a not so portable copy machine to school board meetings and you'll discover a real financial wizard.
When asked "What if Baker lost by one vote", Penny retorted, "That's different, that would be demanding accountability."

Stay tuned for more looney logic from the wacky world of OTBL......

1 comment:

JPN said...

I believe what you are talking about are "sunk cost." The recounting is part of the job title of all the individuals involved.

Personally, I think it's money well invest on checking the system to see how it works and to making sure the process is in place to handle recounts. Likewise, a one vote difference should be and automatic flag for a recount...if requested by the candidate. They also invested a great deal of time and energy in a hard-fought campaign that included cheap shots, slander and misinformation mostly from the likes of idiocracy over at www.ontheborderline.net.

I suppose the OTBL'ers were mad because the school and county had to take time off from filling the frivolous information requests from the OTBL'ers. Such budget-breaking requests like how many cans of pop where sold in machine A on day X. Or why did the superintendent claim 3 miles for going to the EP Rock school when everybody on the borderline knows that it is actually 2.978 miles?

Thanks God we have the OTBL'ers to sweat the petty things in our local government. Without their vigilantiness, our local police could he wasting their time on fighting the meth epidemic and school officials could be focusing more attention on guiding our local school system into the future.