

Killbear: I hope you can hear me over the fireworks and popping champagne bottles! I'm at ATBL Global Headquarters and this is a night for celebration! Abovetheborderline has been named the NUMBER ONE BLOG in Wisconsin! Let's get a word with James P. Nelson. Jim, how does this feel?

JPN: With great power comes great responsibility.

Killbear: JPN, can you let us in on how you accomplished this?

JPN: Clearly I'm an omniscient blog god. Oh, and I should also give a shout out to my homies - the writers. It's nice to know that when I need to get this cyber rag on the streets, I can ask the local police to run in the usual suspects. They aren't the brightest bulbs in the St. Croix Valley, but they can photoshop some fake news with the best of them.

Killbear: I'm down wit' dat', dawg. So how did you get your readership to this outstanding level?

JPN: I have to thank the main stream media for referencing this site on a regular basis. Then, when people come to ATBL to see what all the fuss is about, they find some compelling junior high humor and stick around to take our college course in conspiriology.

Killbear: Any plans to take ATBL to the next level?

JPN: Next step is to focus on licensed merchandising. You will be seeing ATBL Wear (TM) available online shortly. But PayPal is not accepted.

Killbear: I want a hat and t-shirt for sure. Any other reasons to visit ATBL?

JPN: Well, in addition to being the NUMBER ONE BLOG, we also boast the largest indoor waterpark in Wisconsin. New this year is the Hot Tube. Check it out!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rapporter,

That's a Kool lookin' Hot Tube!!!