Opium in U.S. and Hudson
That above shot is taken from a current post at the OTBL website. It is an typical illustration of what goes on there. Poster keenan rambles on calling everyone not in agreement with the OTBL perspective a socialist, collectivist, communist, whatever. It's one of their favorite songs. The post drones on and on.
This post is signed by keenan but it was actually written by Dr. Bill Danielson. Notice he is the first one to comment on what a fine post this is. You find this over there all the time. As Dr. Bill's goal is to fog your mind with his favorite opiate -- anti-socialism. It's good to remember that, although Dr. Bill now lives in Illinois (why does he still agonizes over the Hudson school district?), his theoretical political roots are in Hudson. You see Dr. Bill used to live a couple houses away from another OTBL poster and in between them live a long time member of the John Birch Society. From this man, these two OTBL'ers learned about the John Birch Society and all the anti-commie jazz he assails his followers and the OTBL political parrots with.
Bill's neighbor probably borrowed him copies of None Dare Call It Treason by John A. Stormer, Masters of Deceit by J. Edgar Hoover, and maybe The American Cause by Russell Kirk -- gospels of John Birch/anti-commie library in the 1960s. Throw in a couple Ayn Rand books that include the Virtue of Selfishness, get a fellow sympathizers with a minimal amount of internet skills, setup a blog site, invite a couple of literary Neanderthals to attack all those who question the almighty Dr. Bill and you got yourself the makings of the philosophical foundation for the www.ontheborderline.net blog spot.
The post pictured above includes a number of links that supposedly add legitimacy to the OTBL conspiratorial delusion that everyone is out to get them: the Hudson Star Observer, the police chief, city hall, the public school teachers and administrators, the League of Women voters and basically anyone that doesn't see the logic of their paranoia. I always encourage people to get visit the OTBL blog site. Read what they have to say. I'm not afraid to read what they say. I own all those books mentioned above and have read them. I don't agree with the selfish, paranoid conspiracy theories that stagger their way through the pages of these far right-wing manifestos.
When I read that stuff over there, I wonder what they've been smoking. Reading the post above, the picture of an opium den came to mind. Marx said the religion is the opiate of the public and I'm thinking Marxism is the opium ontheborderline. It's their intellectual catnip that makes them run around town doing and saying that makes one swear off catnip when they sober up the next morning. The OTBL'ers evidently are on a continuous feed of fanatical catnip and have overdosed on EverReady batteries morphing into an energized assortment of fruitcakes who incessantly walk, talk and slither on their bellies like reptiles throughout our communities. To some, ignorance is said to be bliss. To the OTBL'ers, stupidity is an orgasm!
You can vote for whoever you want in this Tuesday's election. Just remember that the blog site that is telling people in Hudson to only vote Jim Baker and in New Richmond to vote for Rick Hinz and Bob Seivert is also the "only true source of information in the St. Croix Valley" that paraphrases the following quote everyday:
"The front lines in the battle against socialism are found in city hall and school board elections. In some ways it is the purest form of ideological battle since any voter can meet the candidates personally, ask them probing questions, and influence the outcome. A vote for James Mayer for mayor is a vote for socialism. A vote for Ahlin, Bell, Holland or Wyeth for school board is a vote for socialism."The Bell mentioned in the above quote is Brian Bell who is pictured on the left with the fighter plane behind him. A graduate of the US Air Force Academy and, according to the OTBL website, a dangerous member of the ever expanding socialist conspiracy in the St. Croix River Valley.
It's this kind of paranoid fanaticism that will make me go vote for anybody not supported or endorsed by the www.ontheborderline.net blog site.. This is America and we get to pick and choose. Just because I don't happen to pick and choose who the OTBL'ers say, doesn't make me a socialist, collectivist, dirty commie rat, etc. It makes me an American citizen with a different opinion. Just remember that standing up in public and giving you opinion is called "free speech" and is a guaranteed right to American citizens. Slanderous blogging under the hooded, white sheets of anonymous names like Jack Bauer or keenan or maverick is trash talk and cheap speech.
Casting your vote is what makes democracy work. The OTBL'ers know how the system works. The fewer votes they can get people to cast, i.e., the more apathy, the better their chances. It's that simple! Wake up people of the St. Croix Valley, don't buy their opium.
James P. Nelson
Thank You, Thank You , Thank You
James.P. Nelson for having the courage to expose this nest of vipers and call them out for who they truely are.
To call a graduate of the United States AirForce Academy part of a Socialist Conspiracy is lunacy beyond belief. But that's what you get a daily dose of at ontheborderline.net.
JPN, I have to wonder how New Richmond residents feel about being lectured to by self-proclaimed "Doctor" Bill Danielson on his blog in his posting today entitled "Attention New Richmond Voters!" It must be really entertaining to have some twit with short-man's syndrome who lives 437 miles away tell them to compare his daily bloviations to the letter from Montello, O'Brien and Swanda. Danielson concludes: "I think you’ll see right through their pathetic façade." Yeah right, Danielson. Get a life in Bloomington, Illinois. New Richmond voters could care less about you or your skunky blog.
I get the impression that the people OTBL are the equivalent of a has-been performer blinded by the theater lights. After each "performance" and the lights go off... they see the empty seats and realize that nobody is really watching but the other performers backstage!
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