
South Carolinians React to "Stupid In America"

The most poignant point in the documentary suggested the money we spend on education in the public school system should be "attached to the kid" (vouchers in another word) rather than the way we currently spend educational dollars - giving it to the schools and the kids being assigned to the schools based largely on where they live.
South Carolina was referred to time and time again as having the worst public schools in the United States. If I were in charge of the public school system, I would be ashamed of this statistic and do everything in my power to see that our school system moves from the bottom of the scale.
There was a mention of states with teachers' unions, where it is almost impossible to fire a teacher.
Fortunately, he gave us a solution - school choice. Our Legislature has an opportunity to help move the state forward by implementing real education reform this year. School choice must be a part.
I agree and don't understand why our education and elected officials are so hesitant to try something that could be of benefit. As "20/20" showed, it certainly can't hurt.

Read the letter to the editor: Charleston Post and Courier.

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