OTBL Admin Asks The Question: "Why Can't They Just Bring Powdered Sugar Like Normal Kids?"
A couple weeks ago, the ontheborderline.net admin's ranted about his kid being assigned to read a book in junior high were a character said the "shit" word. He wondered why they could read books about normal families. I just got the book he condemned, he started reading it and will follow with a review later. (Ask Mr. Anton if I can still get some extra for this book report.)
I've been thinking about what would be a great book to for kids to read in junior high. I know the ACLU probably wouldn't approve, but I recommend the Bible. I challenge old CK over at OTBL to find one normal family in the Bible. Even Jesus didn't live in a normal family. David? Moses? Adam and Eve? Definitely not -- their kid killed his brother. Job? Abraham? After a couple evening of explaining all the "knowing" going on, the OTBL admin would be addressing the school board about getting award winning books like "A Door Near Here" by Heather Quarles read.
I'm rambling here, but here's another "normal family" story ending up on the door step of public education:
Second-grader brings cocaine to classPHILADELPHIA - A 7-year-old girl brought cocaine to her second-grade classroom and passed it around, police said Tuesday.
Detectives were trying to determine where the girl got the drugs, which she brought into the John M. Patterson School in her backpack Monday, said police Capt. Benjamin Naish. The teacher called authorities after she discovered the drugs among her students. One child told her mother that she had eaten some of the powder, but was found to be OK when examined at a hospital, authorities said. advertisement
Read more: The Buzz
...maybe we should call them "saccharin papas" instead of "sugar daddies."
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