Local OTBL Blogger Turned Down For Police Investigator Job
The local chief of police was looking for a criminal investigator to help solve the mystery surrounding a rash of anonomous letters being sent in the community. A help wanted ad was put in the Holy Scared Oracle, the local weekly newspaper. Local OTBL blogger Dr. Luke went down to the police station to apply for the job. The follow is an actual transcript of the the interview. I was obtained the the local OTBL bloggers in a Freedom of Infromation request."Ok," said the chief, "Dr. Luke, what is one and one?"
After 20 minutes of very serious math calcualtions with his Big Chief tablet and a pink Crayon, Dr. Luke replied, "That's easy, it's eleven."
The chief thought to himself, "That's not what I meant, but he's right." So the chief asked Dr. Luke, "What two days of the week start with the letter T?"
Dr. Luke qucikly answered, "That's easy, today and tomrrow."
Once again the chief was surprised that Dr. Luke supplied a correct answer he had never considered. This was a common trait of the OTBL klan that Dr. Luke was a member of. With that it might, the chief asked, "Now, Dr. Luke, listen carefully: who killed Abraham Lincoln?"
Dr. Luke looked very surprised at the question, thought hard for a few minutes and responded, "I don't know."
The chief ended the questions and told Dr. Luke to go home and work on that one for a while.
So Dr. Luke left and wandered over to the House of Pink Nail Saloon where his blogger buddies where getting their nails painted and waiting to hear if Dr. Luke got the job. When asked how the interview went, Dr. Luke said, "It went great! Frist day on the job, and I'm already working on a murder case!"
I think Dr. Luke is too busy looking for the School District's missing 4.5 Million Dollars to be taking on a moonliting assignment.
It's easy for you people to make fun of Luke, but he is on top of everything. He is a true American patriot like Dr. Danielson and we need more like them.
So get a job! Like one that isn't on the government school payroll!
Oh, Luke is a true patriot. You must mean like Chickenhawks, Cheney and Wolfowitz. Don't they have government jobs? I thought so. Their easy to make fun of also, but their at the bottom of everything.
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