Attention New Richmond: New School Construction Costs Are Available on the Internet
Beware of the OTBL slime machine!I noticed one of the enlightened junkyard dogs at the OTBL web site is sliming Lisa Singerhouse, a New Richmond taxpayer and citizen, because she said something OTBL slime-jobber, NR Resident, didn't agree with. She apparently asked a question concerning an idea raised at a recent Do Group meeting. Bill Derrick has an idea concerning the use of 20 acres of the school district's land for needed school expansion plans.
New Richmond's current school expansion discussion and supreintendent's exit have made for a increased level of emotional rebuttals to the issues and debates taking place within the school district. Now that the anti-public school, anti-teachers' union, anti-community bloggers from Hudson have pointed their skunk tails in the direction of New Richmond, I hope members of both groups of New Rcihmond concerned citizens will catch their scent and start to understand what they are about. Maybe you read the OTBL admin's -- Chris Kilber -- letter to the editor. Remember the talk about a forum for discussion and information? If you follow that blog, you should qucikly develop the mental picture that the OTBL style of debate as a pack of OTBL dogs lifting their collective legs on a fire hyudrant, i.e., anyone who disagrees with the OTBL political bent.Anyway, NR Resident ends his/her posts with this comment: "Saving the taxpayers what could be tens of millions of dollars will not even be considered because of 3 Cross Country Track meets."
Excuse me NR, but what the hell are you talking about? "Tens of millions of dollars..." How are we going to save that kind of money with Bill Derrick's suggestion? Is Bill donating the cost of construction? Construction industry cost estimates put the cost of building a high school for 1,025 students at $27 million.
It's not that hard to get cost estimates for new construction. A minute Googgling will get you numbers to make educated cost estimates. These are not some mystical voodoo numbers worked up by the O, T, B & L consulting firm. They are current industry standards used by professionals in the business. The debaters in the New Richmond school district should find these cost estimates helpful to put so intellect numbers into their debate. Links to these estimates and more can be found at the bottom of this post.
New School Construction Cost Estimates:
I find it interesting the amount of gutless bravo certain OTBL bloggers have when they put-down, insult and demean citizens who are coming to the meetings, expressing ideas and trying to work together on serious issues that will impact the future of our community. Evidently, "NR Resident" is a resident of New Richmond, but we don't know that. But he or she can talk tough and put people down under the power of a anonomous hood name. Shame on you. If you have any guts, why not use you "Christian" name? Mine is James Patrick Nelson aka JPN.
Does anybody have any guess as to the identity of NR Resident? If so, please put your guess in the too can play NR Resident's anonomous game. Likewise, if you know the identities on any of the other OTBL bloggers sliming participants in the discussion, enter their names. Keep in mind, it's typical for OTBL posters to use a number of posting or "hood" names to hide under. My guess is that NR Resident and Luke are the same person.Make sure your friends and neighbors in New Richmond get to see how the attacks dogs -- like NR Resident -- do nothing more than lift their leg on the people dedicating their time and effort to improve the New Richmond school system and prepare it for the future. The childishness of NR Resident's posts is obvious with such titles as "Spot The Idiot," "Teachers Defend Hictchens Payout and Bonus," "Poor Kent Elkin," etc. Note how the intent of such OTBL posters is to personally attack the individuals speaking out in favor of moving the school planning process forward. This is the attack method of ignorant, redneck people who don't know the facts or the basic schooling to figure out the ramifications of these community issues. These people won't take time to find out the facts and don't take the time to do the simple math involved here.
OTBL posters will still be attacking Hitchens a year from know. Just as the the Hudson branch of the OTBL klan continues to slime retired superintendent Ron Bernth. Of course, I really don't have tell you this. You are all educated adults and can see this yourself.
Do your own Googgle search on new school construction costs and explore the information available. There is plenty of it to help you make competient estimates on the costs of these projects.
Sample links for Googgle on: new school construction costs
New school construction estimates
Department of Education estimates
...numerous others links available
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