What If FOX News Is Wrong About Global Climate Change? #3
Death of world's coral reefs could wreak global chaos
"Whole nations will be threatened in terms of their existence!"
Carl Gustaf Lundin
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
"Fish will become a luxury good. You already have a billion people who are facing hunger, and this is just going to aggravate the situation," she added. "We will not be able to maintain food security around the world."
Cassandra deYoung
United Nations Food and Agriculture OrganizationBy Brian Skoloff
Associated Press
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida — Coral reefs are dying, and scientists and governments around the world are contemplating what will happen if they disappear altogether.
The idea positively scares them.
Coral reefs are part of the foundation of the ocean food chain. Nearly half the fish the world eats make their homes around them. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide — by some estimates, 1 billion across Asia alone — depend on them for their food and their livelihoods.
If the reefs vanished, experts say, hunger, poverty and political instability could ensue....
Read more at USA Today"Global warming skeptics are usually depicted as knuckle-dragging, Fox News-watching rubes who are too unsophisticated to understand the scientific complexities that irrefutably support climate change."
Dave Fedorchak
FOX News viewer from King George, VA
There is a man-made global warming activist named "Cassandra?" Priceless!
In other news:
By Fiona Harvey, Environment Correspondent
Financial Times of London
April 14 2010
A key piece of evidence in climate change science was slammed as “exaggerated” on Wednesday by the UK’s leading statistician, in a vindication of claims that global warming sceptics have been making for years.
Professor David Hand, president of the Royal Statistical Society, said that a graph shaped like an ice hockey stick that has been used to represent the recent rise in global temperatures had been compiled using “inappropriate” methods.
“It used a particular statistical technique that exaggerated the effect [of recent warming],” he said.
The criticism came as part of a report published on Wednesday that found it “very surprising that research in an area that depends so heavily on statistical methods has not been carried out in close collaboration with professional statisticians.”
The hockey stick graph was a key part of the so-alled “Climategate” e-mail scandal at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. In the e-mails, UEA’s Professor Phil Jones referred to a “trick” to “hide the decline” in temperatures suggested by certain sources of data. A similar trick was used in the hockey stick graph.
I ask a question about the hockey stick graph at a presentation by an Al Gore apostle and was accused of not believing in global warming.
An interesting point about the scientists working to save us from GW is that they are not got at spin and PR. On the other, the Koch brothers and the Big Oil money supports of big business conservatism are...these would be the big TEA Party funders.
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