Hypocrisy Stirkes Deep...
...In The "Heart" Of OTBLA reader of this blog alerted me to my name being mentioned on Craig Westover's blog. Readers of the St. Paul Pioneer Press will recognize Westover as a columnist on the editorial page. I read his column and occasionally check out his blog. I don't believe I've every left any comments on his site. If I did, it was way back in the summer.
Below is an interesting piece of the conversation that takes place in the post on Westover's site on 12/20/05. It involves a person identified as Chris Kilber. Anything in (parenthesis) are my auxiliary comments:
...Craig. I've enjoyed this conversation immensely, but why would you let someone use another person's name as his? This person is known as "dratsum" or James P. Nelson. Why is he afraid of using his own name? I would think you would want to remove the name he has used for legal reasons (Evidently Westover is being threatened with potential legal action for allowing someone to post on his blog with an anonymous name. My Greater St. Croix County phonebook shows two Williams and a Bill Danielson. A rather common name.). Ketchup Man ("ketchup man" is sort of like my old OTBL post name" dratsum," i.e., "mustard" backwards) 12.20.05 - 6:24
Chris Kilber,
I didn't know anybody had the name Anti Bill Danielson...if that is truly his real name I will immediately stop using it...Stick to the topic...Craig does a nice job sticking to the disagreements without getting into name calling as you do over at OTBL.The Anti Bill Danielson (The Anti Bill has identified ketchup man as Chris Kilber the OTBL blog admin.) 12.20.05 - 8:00 am #
If you're not into name calling Mr. Nelson, then why use someone else's name in a derogatory fashion?Anti James P. Nelson (Being the Anti JPN might not be such a bad position to be in, since my wife occasionally uses my name, hell and the devil in the same sentence -- the eternal options might be better.) 12.20.05 - 10:09 am #
I know who I am targeting...JPN I am not...I could be another school board member's daughter/son or not...Chris it seems your panties are in bunch over this doesn't it!The Anti Bill Danielson (TABD lets me off the hook and points out Chris underwear preference. Other than standing by Chris at WITC and anonymously eating a cookie, I have no way of knowing if he wears boxer shorts, briefs or panties. That would be TMI.) 12.20.05 - 10:19 am #
Okay, guys. Kill it.Frankly I'm confused as to who is who, but I don't care. The "Anti" thing is a little silly to me, but whatever floats your boat.On this site we stay out of people's personal motives. This thread ends here. Stick to the topic.craig westover (aka Captain Fishsticks pulls the plug on the debate, before we learn CK's style of underwear.) 12.20.05 - 2:35 pm #
---It's interesting to see the alleged Chris Kilber, the administrator of the ontheborderline.net blog in Hudson, step in and give The Anti Bill Danielson a verbal spanking for using "someone else's name in a derogatory fashion." In this alleged display of OTBL hypocrisy, Chris signs his post Anti James P. Nelson...in a derogatory fashion. It's a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.
I will claim the dratsum, mustard, JPN and James P. Nelson tags, but I can't claim authorship of the Anti Bill Danielson statements. That's someone else. Who? I don't know...but he/she is doing an excellent job of arguing his point with Westover aka Captain Fishsticks.
On a side note, it is interesting that the alleged CK had to jump in an stop an intelligent discussion between two consenting adults. Obviously, The Anti Bill Danielson was making some valid points the alleged CK didn't want the viewing public to see. The same tactic is used ontheborderline.net. I need to qualify that last statement. It's used whenever there is debate over there which is infrequent
Remember that this is allegedly the same Chris Kilber who did a posting on the OTBL blog titled: 10 Reasons For Anonymity OnThe BorderLine. His post included 10 points and additional information from The Real Dr. Bill Danielson. He started and ended his post as follows:
"So I need to cover anonimity on the blog. Why? Here are the main reasons for using an alias...(10 points go here)...To be criticized for allowing or using the anonymity of using aliases is totally unfounded. I totally recommend it."
The Bill Danielson piece linked to this post had this to say about personal attacks:
"Ad Hominem Abusive, aka a personal attack, is a technique of argument that is weak and should be resorted to only in certain cases. In general, the use of a personal attack to build ones argument fails the credibility test. It is also generally understood to be poor form and, more importantly, an indicator that the person making the ad hominem abusive doesn't really have a defendable (logical) argument. "
So according to the alleged Chris Kilber's mentor of neo-con selfishness, The Real Bill Danielson, the personal attacks verify my comment about points being made that the alleged CK couldn't refute. Hence, alleged CK's interuption in the discussion were, according to TRBD, in "poor form and, more importantly, an indicator that the person making the ad hominem abusive doesn't really have a defendable (logical) argument. "
There's a feature story in this week's New Richmond News about blogging in the St. Croix Valley. In it Bob Ziller, a local politcal observer and alleged author of the soon to be published boat anchor "My Letter's To The Editors: Volumes 1-666", has some very interesting comments about how he feels about anonymous posting at ontheborderline.net.
Check it out!
JPN...continued excellence on your part! I was quite flattered that Chris "panty boy" Kilber thought I was you, however, I had to put a squash to that as I would not want to offend you or tread on your water.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
If I were the Real Bill Danielson, I'd say something like great minds think a like. But I ain't so I'll just say I enjoyed your discussion with Captain Fishsticks and it's interesting that the alleged CK, not matter which blog site he airs his panties, still has the same spots.
Merry Christmas and I'm looking forward to a new year on the borderline!
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