Progressive Heroes: Fighting Bob La Follette
You've heard the term "progressive" used in combination with politics, but maybe you don't know how deeply that progressive roots are in Wisconsin and national politics. A major force behind getting the term "progressive" tattooed onto the lips of today's political rhetoric service was Wisconsin native Robert La Follotte. The conservative, wing-right echo chamber is busy trying to make words like "progressive" and "liberal" dirty, shameful words.
If you are looking to improve the future, you better understand the past and know what got us this far. Take a few minutes to learn more about Fighting Bob! You will learn he was part of a determined group of individuals who fought against the interest of the robber barons to help the masses improve their lives and livelihood. What the Progressives fought for 100 years ago is what the neo-cons and bloggers like our neighbors at are fighting to undone today. The OTBL'ers dream of returning to a fantasy world of 100 years ago that never existed.
Robert Marion LaFollette, (1855-1925), American political leader. A founder of the Progressive Movement, he was a spearhead for political reform in Wisconsin and the nation for 25 years. Unwilling to compromise on principle, "Fighting Bob" LaFollette earned the deep admiration of his supporters and the hatred of many foes.
LaFollette was born in Primrose, Wis., on June 14, 1855. A farmer's son, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1879 and practiced law in Madison. In 1880 he defied a local political leader to win the office of district attorney. He then served (1885-1891) as a Republican in the US House of Representatives.Wisconsin Governor: 1900-1906
Wisconsin's U.S. Senator: 1906-1925
Progressive Party Presidential Candidate: 1924
For more detail on La Follotte's life and legacy, click here or
click here.
Books to checkout:
LaFollette, Robert M., LaFollette's Autobiography (Univ. of Wis. Press 1960)
Thelen, David P., Robert M. LaFollette and the Insurgent Spirit (Univ. of Wis. Press 1986)
Young, Donald, ed., Adventure in Politics (Holt 1970)
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