
New Richmond's Doboy Fined For EPA Violation

(PressZoom) - CHICAGO ( Dec. 27, 2005 ) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has settled with Doboy Inc. of New Richmond, Wis., for an alleged violation of federal hazardous waste regulations. Doboy will pay a $52,246 penalty.

The company failed to determine, from 2000 to 2004, if waste filters from its wet paint spray booth were hazardous. EPA and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources inspected the Doboy package-making facility, 869 S. Knowles Ave., in March 2004. Its manufacturing process produces paint waste that requires disposal in an EPA-approved hazardous waste facility.

Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, EPA controls hazardous waste from its production to final disposal.

Story source: Press Room Global News Service

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