Bob Muchlinski wins our first annual OTBL'er Goat Getter Award
It is with great honor to award our first AboveTheBorderLine Top Goat Getter Award to Bob Muchlinski of Hudson for his continuing series of letters to the editor to the Hudson Star-Observer.His letters focus on explaining the truth behind the motives and agenda of the anti-community blog troppers at In this week's New Richmond News, Bob shares his progressive insights about the anti-education antics of these duct-tape wearing disrupters of our communities push for a better tomorrow.
Thanks to the evil bloggers on the unenlightened side of the borderline, you can read all the letters Bob has written to the HSO in 2005. Click here for the Bob files. (Please note: Chris the Admin shutdown the Bob files link shortly after this post. They are soooo modest over there. They never want to take credit for anything...worthwhile.)
(Note #2: Oct,27 10:00 A.M.Thanks for restoring the link Chris, now all the New Richmond readers
will have something worth viewing on your site )
As always, we'd like to thank Chris the Admin on the other side of the border for doing all that work and getting Bob's porfolio together. I would have done it, but I was too busy building bird houses tonight...actually I was at the New Richmond school board meeting. I would just like to point out that no bias was present in giveing this award to Bob. I've never met Bob and, quite frankly, I couldn't tell Bob from Chris the Admin if both were in front of me at the liquor store. Well actually, Bob would be the guy buying so brand of liberal beer like St. Paulie Girl and Chris the Admin would be buying a truck load of Blogger Lager -- the beer that puts the fuzz in fuzzy math. Of course, once in the parking lot, I'd notice Chris the Admin's big ugly truck with some hideous slogan painted on the side.
I won't call you "Dr.," that's their thing on the other side of the border. To me it's sort of like a reverse-scarecrose thing from the Wizard of Oz. Being a big fan of the Wizard of Oz, I always thought the Scarecrow was really smart and didn't really need a piece of paper to prove it. Unlike the OTBL'ers who feel the insecure need to call themselves Dr. and label themselves "intellectuals" to impress themselves and engorge their egos.
So Bob keep it up. I find their puts downs real interesting. I thought it was great that they did you proud with you letters, but alas...At least old Chris is stopping by and paying attention to the truth.
I'm waiting to see what their spin is on tonight's NR school board meeting. It was bad news for the OTBL'ers. The mill rate is going down substantially...something about the population increase in the district. The business manager for the district made sure the local newspaper and radio heard the news. Maybe the OTBL'ers won't scoop the press on that story, since it is good news.
They keep quacking about this GO group in New Richmond and their push to bring sanity to the school issue in NR. There must be at least five people in the group and only a couple show up at the meeting. I believe one was their filming tonight. The other three were how writing letters of misinformation for next week's NR News.
I think these GO people are much like the OTBL'ers. They are afraid to walk into the district business office and ask for information. They discussed this at the meeting tonight. Board member Bill Brennan, the daringly of the OTBL'ers, evidently went into the district office with a GO member, Pat Laventure, and to out bills that had confidential information on them. The board will refine their policy to make sure sensitive info doesn't walk out the door. They will probably also be trying to find out who's supplying the documents to the OTBL'ers. So it will be interesting.
Keep up the good work and, as always, feel free to share your insights and comments on our website.
Congratulations to Bob,
After enduring the wrath of the borderbloggers and the creative (?) monikers of Ivan, Mudslingski, Muchlinski the Fraudulent,( you can credit the snake in the grass for that piece of genius) he deserves some positive recognition. Here's tipping a St.Croix Blogger Lager to you Bob!!!!
Goat Get'em!!!!
New Richmond, Good luck to you. With the borderline botulism spreading your way, you're going to need it.
Quote from the Bad Disease...JYD...the nuthouse... "Poor Mudslingski, on and on and on he goes each word more worthless than the last."
Danielson hasn't uttered a worthwhile word with the exception of "I'm moving down south."
Keep it Mudslingski, you're driving them mad! So are you Dratsum!
Nice article as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that topic. Thanx for giving that data.
Joan Stepsen
Pharma tech
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