Top 40 Political Groups: Fabian Socialism
A short history of the Fabian SocietyOur comrade Cato mentioned Fabian socialism in a post and, in the interest of educating our millions of readers, we thought we'd provide a link to help background you on the Fabian socialist.
The Fabian Society was founded in 1884 as a socialist society committed to gradual rather than revolutionary social reform. The name comes from the Roman general Quintus Fabius, known as Cunctator from his strategy of delaying battle until the right moment. The Society's early members included George Bernard Shaw (later described by Lenin as 'a good man fallen among Fabians'), Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Emmeline Pankhurst and H G Wells.
From the first Fabian Tract (Why are the Many Poor?) and the original Fabian Essays, published in 1889 in the wake of the Match Girls' Strike, the Society has been characterised by a passionate commitment to social justice and a belief in the progressive improvement of society. It has always maintained a diversity of opinion, motivated by the desire to stimulate debate rather than to promote a particular political 'line'. Its publications represent only the views of their authors.
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More on the Fabian Socialists.
I think you stand in a lonely corner with your interpretation of world politics. I can always count on a contrarian viewpoint from you. This latest "analysis" has not disappointed.
Quoting your favorite son Adolf again. My My we are redundant.
I demand a correction!
I wrote:
"[T]he primitive simplicity of (the masses) minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie."
If you are aiming that quote at me, you are sadly mistaken. While I may seek a "common good" I am not the blind sheep you presume. When your presuppositions are challenged you ignore the challenge.
You say:
"I know that since morals come not from some supernatural force but from the capacity to reason. They are real and if they are real they are set. A can only be A, not B."
Prove it to me! Because this is the fundamental presupposition you make that I will not accept.
Definitions of morals on the Web:
ethical motive: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
Morality is a system of principles and judgments based on cultural, religious, and philosophical concepts and beliefs, by which humans determine whether given actions are right or wrong. These concepts and beliefs are often generalized and codified by a culture or group, and thus serve to regulate the behaviour of its members. Conformity to such codification may also be called morality, and the group may depend on widespread conformity to such codes for its continued existence. ...
ethics, the codes, values, principles, and customs of a person or society.
Modes of conduct that are taught and accepted as embodying principles of right and good.
The accepted standards of right and wrong that are usually applied to personal behavior.
CATO: If you changed your name to Webster here is the key. "philosophical concepts and beliefs"
Belief inplies faith wheather in a Supreme Being or in Reason.
If these are derived by individuals they have no absolute authority without either
1. A Supreme Being or
2. A majority concensus
Actually only 1. is true.
So in other words, your moral authority it correct only because you have faith in it.
One more thought:
"These concepts and beliefs are often generalized and codified by a culture or group"
Geez sound like "group think" to me.
No code to be accepted by the "rugged individual" is it?
Besides you who says A is A. Are you the final arbitor? Or do you require concensus? What if there is no concensus whose A is A?
What makes the Islamic moral code
different from yours?
Steal something, have your hand cut off. Why not? That could be argued to be reasonable by some.
comments never had to be reviewed until the last hour or so. This is not my doing.
Either A=A, according to Cato; or A may or may not be equal to A, depending on the meaning of the word "if", according to andyrand.
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