Dr. Bill D, head OTBL herdsman, updates his flock on his current work Of Friction: "The Dumbing of My Fellow Sheep: Or Why My Blogger Buddies Think I So Smart"
"that's not writing, that's typing" - Truman Capote
Yesterday, local blogger and product of public school education turned preacher of anti-public education propaganda, let his readers know he is working very hard on his next book. He predicts this book will get double the sales as his last book "Why Everybody Crosses The Street When They See Me Coming." That book reached sales way into the single digits and came right on the heels of his first manifesto: "It Takes A Group Of Right-Wing-Nut Idiots To Destroy A Community."
Here are a few excerts from Dr. Bill's interview with himself:
"Personally, I have generated around 400 posts containing around 200,000 words. That's roughly equivalent to a 600 page book. Not War and Peace, but we're getting there..."
He also include this insight into the policy of open debate OTBL:
"If you are going to wander in here, you better be prepared to do the due dilligence of researching the opinions and positions of the main contributors, or refrain from mischaracterization and baseless arguments. Those approaches were used frequently by James Nelson (dratsum) during his short and worthless ride ontheborderline - he contributed nothing, nor did hsgrad. In both cases, they could not provide any arguments that were rational because they refused to acknowledge the hard work and prior writings and positions taken by the serious contributors to this blog. I say, good riddens."---
Editor's note: Apparently Dr. Bill was be a little childish, slanderous and taking cheapshots at the contributions of James Nelson (dratsum). Apparetnly the OTBL admin thought enought to use Nelson's comments in the admin's big post the day before last April's school board election. Read below:
"To paraphrase dratsum; “That the school board is elected to oversee the school administration refers to the board as a “watch dog.” The “coziness” of the board to the administration makes is seem as if board is acting more like a “lap dog.” I am in 100 percent agreement to what the board’s function is. Its function is not to freshen up the inkpad for the rubber stamp of approval. In my opinion, that is the board’s function. Likewise, it is the school administration’s function of oversee the daily activities of the school and do the future planning for the district to see that it is in sync with the evolving future of the school district. In the case of school districts in our neck of Wisconsin, this target is moving and expanding. It is up to the voters of the district to determine which role the board plays: watchdog or lapdog.”Editor's note: The OTBL admin must have been off his feed this day. Usually, he is busy stroking the almighty Dr. Bill's ego and slavishly polishing his jack boots.
Evidently Dr. Bill is still licking his wounded backside over intellectual arguments that dratsum made that he didn't agree with. See below from the 3/22: Economic Truths -- Von Mises Lives:
Comment by dratsum 3/21/2005:
"Any good libertarian and follower of the writings of Ludwig Von Mises knows he favored the legalization of drugs and, most certainly, he would have been in favor of a woman's right to have and abortion and to be a prostitute;not to mention homosexuality"Dr. Bill replies:
"Before one takes a cheap shot at an intellectual giant such as Von Mises, one should actually have a little knowledge. Actually, a great deal of knowledge which it is fairly evident mustard spelled backwards lacks. For mustard spelled backwards' edification, as well as a few others who horn in here from time to time, I bring you a small taste of one Ludwig Von Mises - the man who murdered Marx."Editor's note: If you notice above, Dr. Bildanielson didn't respond to dratsum's point. He attacks him for pointing out facts about von Mises that Dr. Bill doesn't what the public to know about. That's a common tactic of his, as we saw with hsgrad351: attack the questioner and ignore the question.
Another post by Dr. Bill under the hood name visciousventor on 6/22 called "Dear Jimmy Boy," was a respones to a letter to the editor about the OTBL blog site. It gives insight into the close-mindedness of the OTBL blog and how they really feel about those that don't agree with them:
"There is a BIG BIG BIG BIG difference between a private web log (blog) and a governmental body... The former has no obligation to be either "fair" or "balanced", nor is there any presumption of anyone's right to access or input - it is the essence of private property! Just because your neighbor might want to sit on your deck and drink beer on a hot night doesn't mean he has a right to it...
In today's HSO editorials you will find an irrational James "dratsum" Nelson crying hypocrisy because this blog screens out unwelcomed contributors. Clearly he is attempting a pathetically transparent appeal to the idiots out there that see no difference between a private web log and a government institution supported by tax expropriations.
Using Jimmy Boy's logic, any discussion you have in the privacy of your home should be subject to the first amendment rights of your neighbor to walk in and have a say over how you discipline your child, or what they will have for breakfast, or when they should be in bed.
Jimmy Boy, the First Amendment does not apply here - get over it."Editor's note: Obviously, the point of www.ontheborderline.net is not to debate these issues. Rather it is a launching pad to slander anybody who happens to be on the government payroll. Dr. Bill is right, I don't have the right to walk over and join my neighbor on his deck for a beer. But I do have a responsbility to inform the authorities is I see my neighbor beating his wife with the shades open. That is the point of this blog site -- to be a watch dog of the OTBL'ers. How are we doing?
Dr. Bill provides us with another example of his approach to dealing with anyone who dares disagree with him in a 6/30 post titled "aka Dratsum." He opens the post with the following statement:
"Over the course of the last two issues of the Hudson Star Observer, one James P. Nelson has been busy flame throwing at those of us out here Ontheborderline. Well, a little history lesson might be useful with James P. Nelson, aka dratsum. I apologise for the length of this entry, but going back almost a year we find that time and again dratsum has been nailed in his arguments - he is appearing to be a sore loser who is now using the HSO as his venue for cheap shots. At least admin had the good sense to boot his whiny you-no-what off the blog. How bitter is this guy?"If you care to read the exchange of letters between Dr. Bill and me, click on this link:
Letters to the editor. Since Dr. Bill does everything he can to get as much of his ego exposed to the public, he has put both of his letters in the post and my letter. If you do read the exchange, notice once again he spends his second letter attacking me and ignoring the legitimate questions I included in my letter. Once again, attack the questioner and ignore the questions.

In conclusion, it is very interesting that Dr. Bill can expend 200,000 words telling us the following:
1. public education is evil
2. unions are evil
3. taxes are illegal
4. what I say is right
5. if you agree with me, you are smart
6. if not, you are a collectivist, solcialist, Marxist parasite
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