A Birthday Card From Ayn Rand...
...of why she didn't work for Hallmark.
“Gift giving is altruistic, therefore evil. I hope your birthday is a happy one, but I will do nothing to make it so.”
More libertarian "humor."
...of why she didn't work for Hallmark.
“Gift giving is altruistic, therefore evil. I hope your birthday is a happy one, but I will do nothing to make it so.”
More libertarian "humor."
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Realisticly, libertarians are idealistic, windmill tilters of the Don Quoixte variety. Other than to bring a interesting, philosophical point of view to an internet discussion or cocktail party debate, they don't have a chance. Libertarians are the flipside of true Marxian ideology, i.e., for libertarians the goal would be to make everyone the master of his or her own universe; for Marxists the goal would be to eliminate the kings and make everyone equal with the group controlling everything.
In a way
You mean you are the "self-proclaimed" descendents of the Founding Fathers. In case you haven't been paying attention to car bumpers and yard signs, pretty everybody says they are "patriots" these days.
A couple of questions:
1. If the Constitution was so perfect, why would there have been a need for additional amendments?
2. Concenring the right to bare arms, if the Founding Fathers were talking about flintlocks why would we have the NRA crying about the Second Amendment concerning automatic weapons with cop killer bullers?
Of course we are circling around again and we are starting at 1776 again.
Good luck getting the Constitutional genie back in the bottle envisioned by our Founding Fathers. I'm all for it, but I'm not going to spend my time fighting for that. Good luck getting that 16th Amendment repealed. I can use the money.
Concerning gun control, I own some and belong to the rod and gun club. I shoot them infrequently and don't hunt. I'm not anti-hunting and I'm not don't really give a rip if you own a fully automatic AK47 or a machine gun. I know some that do and I got to shoot them into the hill a few times and it was great fun. I don't know what practical value you they are, but that stuffs all in the eye of the beholder.
Like you comrades at OTBL, you confuse me with some one who's against "tax advocates." I don't think you can find any examples of that on this blog or in things I've written. If you boys can trim down my tax bill, go for it. Paying taxes isn't a big hardon for me like it is you guys.
I'm not an idealist. I consider myself to be a pragmatic realist. Where that falls in the thread of one's philosophical indoctrination, I don't care. You've been hanging out on this blog for nearly a month and I don't think you can seriously point your philosophical finger at us and say in all honesty that this is a "socialist blog."
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