Welcome bloggers from around the world! It's hard to believe that the St. Croix River Valley of the Wisconsin-Minnesota borderland is ground zero of the rapidly expanding blog phenomena. Like everything you read on blogs, this is definitely true. To get you familiar with the blogs of the SCV, we thought we'd start this new feature with a introduction to the evil and ugly step sister of the SCV blogs -- On The Border Whine.
Operated out of a damp basement in Hudson's "skunk hollow," this blog has prided itself with attracting a wide variety of posters and comments. When ask what he attributed his blog's ability to draw such a wide variety of viewers, blog admin Killbore said it is probably the fact that so many prisons now have Internet access. He said that prisons are choosing his blog to be the startup page for their Internet portal. Prison officials hope this, plus porn-blocking filters, will have a calming effect on prisoners. When asked to explain this, one prison official say the theory is that, if the OTBL blog can numb viewers' brains so effectively, they figure it may numb other sensitive areas of the body.
Below is shot of a typical post on the On The Border Whine blog. Notice the nice picture of a river. Readers will quickly see the post titled “The moderate left–warning X rated” by Bob Ziller makes little or no sense to anyone who has passed eight grade with the minimal amount of effort. Ziller mentions a JPN. This is a blogger who operates another blog in the SCV. That blog, AboveTheBorderLine, is known for taking the "high road." Instead of slandering local community members, dedicated public servants and local reporters making less money that workers at the local MacDonald's, the ATBL blog is know for providing useful, interesting, heart warming posts that delight readers of all ages and political persuasions. More on that blog later.
(Double-click the pictures to expand for readability)

Of course, hip bloggers know that any good post will generate an excess of insightful, intelligent discussion. It doesn't take long to realize there are no hig bloggers on the OTBW membership roles. Discussion comes in the form comments to the post. The OTBW blog generates a great deal of discussion of the variety you would find on a audio tape loop. In the true spirit of the maxim "Sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut," an intelligent comment is accidently posted on the OTBW blog site. Below are the comments that have been made so far to Mr. Z's post. With the exception of the hyper-intelligent comment by dratsum (that's "mustard" spelled backwards), the comments to this post are similar to comments commonly found on OTBW posts.

We hope you found this post helpful. We explore more of the St. Croix Valley blogosphere in future postings. Please feel free to leave you comments below.