The Founding Fathers and Voter ID
Remember when our founding fathers voted in that first election? Did Washington, Jefferson or Adams have to show their ID to voter? Did the white men who brought us the "all men are created equal" document, have to show their ID to vote? Did their wives have to show an ID? Did the white guy who didn't own property have to show an ID? Did Washington's and Jefferson's slaves have to show an ID?
If you answered yes to all these questions, you will probably be voting for Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann in the 2012 Presidential election.
To learn more about what the Confederate Flag wavers think about voter ID, check out this post on the blog. Obviously, they assume opposition to voter ID equates to socialism. Actually, anyone who doesn't agree with them is a socialist.
"When local big government socialists like Playboy Roy Sjoberg and James P Nelson blather in the paper against a proposal, then you can rest assure that the idea is probably the right thing. Sjoberg took out an advertisement and Nelson wrote a letter to the editor in the Hudson Star-Observer objecting to the proposed legislation requiring voter ID. Their objection rests on the claim that some that wish to vote may be deterred because they have to prove citizenship or residency while others may be turned away from the polls because they do not hold a drivers license. On the last point, states can issue a special identification for voting purposes.
It appears two reasons exist for an individual to shy away from voting if identification is required. They are either not a citizen or running from the law. Are Sjoberg and Nelson proposing that aliens and criminals have the right to vote?
Long before the idea of same day registration, first time voters would have to file six weeks in advance to allow proper time for election officials to verify citizenship and residency. Shortening the time period means less time for accurate verification and the door for fraud widens.
The real problem in the voting process is that we technically allow thieves to vote for more looting. Stealing defined as taking anothers property through force or fraud. Whether one receives a government issued check in the form of a direct subsidy, payroll, pension, or a form of welfare, then the individual has in effect taken anothers money through government enforced confiscation.
As Benjamin Franklin noted, when the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. The debate over the County nursing home exemplifies Franklins idea. Proponents favoring more tax dollars for the facility argue on the basis of a non-binding vote of county residents several years ago. Letter writers to the paper voicing support for continued taxpayer financing for the nursing home fall into two categories: government workers that want to protect their salaries and pensions or people that have a relative under the care of the county.
If we are ever to restore our liberties, then maybe it is time to put forth the idea that individuals receiving a government check other than a tax refund or Social Security ( both are means of returning stolen property) to be disqualified from voting.
Can you imagine the letters to the editor if such an idea came to fruition?"
Patrick Henry
"Big government socialist" James P Nelson's voter ID letter to the editor.

Abe Lincoln
First Republican President