Ziller Accuses Jack Bauer of Dishonesty
The more I write about the continued posting of lies, slander and disinformation posted on the www.ontheborderline.net blog site, the easier it gets. A major focus of my blog site is to be the community watchdog exposing the dishonesty pumped out by the OTBL blog site. Please note that they have never challenged any of my charges about the inaccuracy and slanderous content of their blog postings.
Below is a post from yesterday by anonymous poster Jack Bauer that totally misrepresents a letter written by Frank Norton, the principal of New Richmond's West Elementary school. Read the post first and then the actual letter.

Bauer writes:
Frank Norton, Principal of West Elementary School, included a message in the West Elementary School Parents Association's recent notice supporting Deanna Cook-Shannon and Andy Lieffort in the School Board election.
He writes that when he and his wife first married they had a small car. Once their family expanded, they needed more space and needed a minivan. He uses this analogy as an example to describe the School District. He claims there are two candidates who understand the growing needs of New Richmond and will pay for the new minivan - Lieffort and Cook-Shannon and two who hold the District hostage in a small car – Hinz and Sievert.
He fails to mention the Cook-Shannon and Lieffort "new minivan" will cost more than $71.5 million.
This notice to the West Elementary School Parents Association reeks of the same arrogance, lies, bullying tactics and failed attempts at helping their candidates like the O’Brien letter did earlier in the weekend. The reality is Norton's campaign message, like O’Brien's, will backfire. New Richmond residents are too independent to be told what to do by the crowd that thinks they are smarter than everyone else.
The OTBL administrator is very gracious to let Jack Bauer continue to prove my charges here that the OTBL blog site in a skunk-hallow cesspool that grows wider, deeper and ranker with every additional slimy stool he lets plop on to the pages of his blog site. Just make sure you let you friends, neighbors, relatives and members of local organizations know that Jack Bauer is a member of New Richmond's Do Group and obviously a supported of Hinz and Seivert. It's interesting to note that the "mini-van" Bauer talks about is in fact supported by all four of the school board candidates.
Maybe I'm prejudging Frank Norton's letter. You need to be the judge. Below is the actual letter. Notice that in Jack Bauer's post above she mentions Cook-Shannon's and Lieffort's names three times in her post of 190 words. In his 444 word letter, Norton doesn't even mention their names. Jack Bauer must be suffering some kind of paranoid psychosis and seeing the names Lieffort and Cook-Shannon on every corner.
Frank Norton's letter:
Imagine a 20-something man, as he gets ready for work. He shaves, dresses in 32-inch waist pants, eats his breakfast and heads to a job in his two-door Volkswagen bug. Now, over the years, the man marries, has a family, ages, moves up a pant size or two, heads off to a great career, but still squishes everyone into the two-door beetle. Why? Perhaps the Volkswagen got great gas mileage; perhaps it served him so well in his youth he feels guilt over replacing it. Perhaps he hasn’t had the time to really shop for a vehicle, or thinks he can’t afford a vehicle that fits his changing needs.
New Richmond is like the maturing young man. As a community, we’re growing, adding to our family, making many great changes, but still squish ourselves into the same small, dated vehicle to move ourselves forward.
Here’s what I know this month:
-Since the school year 2001-2002, in grades kindergarten through third grade, 8 classroom sections have been added due to increased enrollment. That’s an approximate increase of 160 students in five years, grades k-3.
-In the school year 2007-2008, a small class of 165 students (4th graders this year) will become middle school 6th graders. This is the last small elementary class. All present classes under this year’s 4th graders show a growth shift. In the year 2007, the shift puts West Elementary over capacity with 31 sections (building capacity 30). The shift puts East Elementary over capacity with 19 classrooms (building capacity 18). And, the shift puts the new East portables at capacity with all 6 classrooms filled. These numbers reflect current enrollment and do not include families that may move to the district. Typically, 18-20 new students enroll per year in grades k-5.
-On April 4, 2006 a general election will be held and two school board positions will be filled. Do you know who the candidates are? Do you know the vehicle each will use to move New Richmond Schools forward?
In my 20’s I didn’t have a Volkswagen, but I did drive a small, two-door, Ford Mustang—a much cooler car in my eyes. I hated to give it up, however as difficult as investing in my current green mini-van was, it has been the right investment for my family. I made sure my new purchase was large enough to accommodate my family well into the future. Which was good, because after the purchase, a third child, Gabriel, was added to the mix. So, although it’s not always fun shopping for something new it’s sometimes a necessary step during times of growth. Oh- and I got air conditioning!
You can go to the OTBL blog site and read the comments for yourself. From the reverence paid to the comments to by Bauer's post, you'd have thought it was written by Jesus on His own personal stationary. Initially, the OTBL junkyard dogs sniff the backside of Bauer's post with beta-dog glee and lick her hand with their faithful platitudes of blind obedience. However, the petting party comes to an end when the only dog in the OTBL with some spine speaks up in favor of the truth and tries to distance himself from the stench emanating from Jack Bauer. Here's what the party ending comment Bob Ziller wrote -- after actually reading the letter:

I just got a copy of the Frank Norton letter. It does not endorse Lieffort and Deanna C-S. It only urges the increase in capacity of the elementary schools. I happen to agree to that.
Maybe there are two letters out there and Jack Bauer got a different one. Next time JB, put the letter on the blog and let us make up our own minds. I want to keep this blog on a high level of honesty and integrity.
Ziller's comment was the last on the post. The comments stop after that because the other OTBL'ers have a certain substance all over their face and it ain't egg. If the OTBL admin, Chris Kilber, had any self-respect for what is put on his blog, that post would come down. But he's more concerned with somebody writing a word like "shit" is a post or comment than telling outright lies. As Chris would never say on his blog, but I will here: "It's the same old shit ontheborderline.net."