Election Results Nov. 4, 1982
I find it interesting that Republicans, Democrats and the electorate in general think you have to go back to the Great Depression to find economic times and political conditions such as we have today. Go back to November 4, 1982 and see what happened in that year's election. Unemployment above 10 percent! The failed economic policies of a President in his second year in office.
Dems Gain, GOP Holds On In Election
Posted by
Sunny Badger
GOTea Sniffs Out St. Croix County Voter Fraud
It's Election Day and members of the St. Croix county Wisconsin GOTea Party are fanning out to polling places, demanding proof of eligibility and generally raising a ruckus. The local GOTea website describes a plan to post challengers at Senate brags he will mount the largest “voter integrity program” in 15 years.
More troubling are new efforts by angry private citizens. Tea Party groups have hosted challenger training sessions in at least four townships. Local newspaper editorialist are urging vigilance. People can now report voters they deem suspicious with a new iPhone apps. Below is a copy of the app being used by the St. Croix Couty GOTea Party...

Why the big push for stop the rampant voter fraud in St. Croix Couty?
Chance of uncovering voter fruad in the US 1 in 6,985,596
Chance of dying from contact with hot tap water: 1 in 5,005,564
Chance of the President Obama wasn't born in the US 1 in 312,125,548
Remember only you can prevent forest fires!!!!!!
Posted by
Sunny Badger