
Public Education Not Preparing For The Future

The education system is failing to prepare children and young people for climate change!

It seems almost obvious that children of school age should be well informed about climate change, an issue that will increasingly influence and shape their future way of life. For businesses trying to lower their carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate too, it is essential that the education system equips the next generation of employees and employers with a fundamental and reasoned knowledge of climate change. In the UK, however, the government is responding slowly and cautiously to the growing pressure to improve climate change education in schools.

A government survey back in 2005 revealed that climate change was the issue of most concern to schoolchildren in the UK. These results coincided with the launch of a government-backed programme focused on youth involvement in the issue, the J8 Global Citizen Programme, first launched at the G8 summit in Gleneagles 2005.

Read more @Climate Change Corp.

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