
Man Reading Dr. Bill's Lastest OTBL Post


Anonymous said...


I happen to find Dr. Bill's epic posts challenging (yawn) and very deep. (Like an empty mine shaft).
He puts a great deal of effort into unearthing and repeating obscure terms like Leviathan, Ad Hominem, Statist and Collectivist into his seemingly endless bloviation. You should have more respect for his genius. Maybe you are just envious of his intelleckigence?

Anonymous said...

I truly am envious. In fact, I've asked the New Richmond Communist to see if his wife can steal me a dictionary from the local public school system.

Imagine the joy I'd get looking up Little Bill's big words in a dictionary that was paid for with money that was stolen through force from him.

Anonymous said...


"Imagine the joy I'd get looking up Little Bill's big words in a dictionary that was paid for with money that was stolen through force from him."

File that thought under:

"I don't get mad... I just get even!"

CANRAC said...

Is "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" a word? Bill apparantly isn't working yet and has alot of time.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is the word that gets the highest Scrabble score.

CANRAC said...

No, Dr's. Lil Bill or Priboringnic would invent a new word which was one letter longer. The OTBL bunch uses scrabble games where the chips are blank and they just make up stuff as they go along, keeps the minds of the good Dr's. working and gives Luke a chance.

Anybody got the SEC football scores from last weekend?