Bloggers Make Plans To Attend This Summer's Get Away!
Fellow Bloggers:Once again it's time for you to mark your calendar for the biggest blogging event in the state of Wisconsin. We know most of you borderline bloggers have spent the winter wearing the backside of you boxer shorts out in the basement, ignoring your family and attacking your neighbors. Now it's time to totally make them all happy and leave town for a few days.
This year's line up of workshops and events is even bigger that last year.
Start this big day out at the Intimidation Station. Get the last updates on proper late night anonymous phone calling and threat letter writing. Uncontrollable rage and a half-cocked ego are a terrible thing to waste.
Later join your fellow bloggers in a pity party discussing why you shouldn't have to attend court-ordered anger management classes and walk around town with a monitoring braclet.
Get beauty tips on how not to get those permanent evil wrinkles from being constantly pissed off at everybody who doesn't agree with you, i.e., everybody in the state not attending the day's event.
Our third workshop will discuss the pitfalls that most wing nuts bloggers fall into. We will learn about the "stupidity trap" that overcomes unemployed bloggers who spend too much time discussing the theory of creating wealth during the middle of the day while their significant other is out actually creating wealth. Learn neat ways to make people think you actually work for a living when you don't.
If you make it through these three sessions, you are entitled to a little fun. We will break up into teams of two and put our intimidation, anger and stupidity skills to use in practical, physical ways.
You will also get your chance to put your intimidation, anger and stupidity skills to use on our session on how to talk to the weasels your encounter in the local media. It will help you to succeed in this class if you remember that the local media make way less than those working in government positions but way more than those of you pretending you are unemployed entrepreneurs during the day.
And don't forget! Don't go green, get mean!!!