
OTBL Nominated for Web Awards

This just in. Ontheborderline has been nominated for several
Web Design awards from the prestigious "Web Pages that Suck".
Just a few of the categories OTBL was nominated in were:

Stupidest Message Ever

Worst Web Colors

Most Wordy and Boring Posts and

Best 18th Century Web Design.

When contacted telepathically about the awards OTBL Admin. CK stated.
"I couldn't have done it without my Skunky Buddies. And I'd like to say a special
thanks to my Spiritual and Intellectual Mentor Dr. Bill. "Thanks Dr.Bill".

It's no suprise the Admin credits his success to Dr. Bill after "The Master"
posted another superbly boring and exceedingly lengthy butt kissing post.

"Mises, Rand, and the Admin", lauding the Admin with not having. "a scintilla of
altruistic motivation in his drive to make this corner of the blogsphere work."
OTBL Admin was visably touched by Dr. Bill's praises saying. "(Sob), It's times like
these that make all the sleepless nights trying to decide whether to use hex code
"06570A" Blooger Puke Green or "F0E78C" Pale Ugly Yellow In WordPress all worth it.

Dr. Bill will also share in the honors from "Web pages that Suck" being
nominated in the "Most Wordy and Boring Posts EVER" category. Dr. Bill's epic online version of "War and Peas" will soon reach over a million meaningless big words.
A release date for Dr. Bill's upcoming hardcover book. "How I Use So Many Words,To Say So Little." has not been announced. Rumors surrounding the book's release have
hinted that Dr. Bill is hoping that the "Web Pages that Suck" award will help boost sales. The book's publisher, Ayn Rand Press, declined comment on the soon to be released masterpiece other than saying "It's going to be HUGE."

1 comment:

  1. "Concise and to the point" is not a phrase splashed about in the OTBL hot tub. I'm starting to believe those OTBL guys are only theorethical wealth creators living off the labors of others. Maybe the main reason they can type so much and say so little is "talk is cheap."

    A marketing guy was explaining to me why he ordered 100,000 of a certain retail label of which we'd only use 1,500. He said buying 1,500 would cost 25 cents a label. Buying 100,000 would only cost 10 cents a label.

    When I explained that we'd had to throw out 98,500 labels and that cost for disposition of the material, not to mention the inventory carrying cost and the expense to have people figure out why we had so many labels, he looked at me and said that's not on his budget. Cost v. price...

    So I guess the more words the OTBL'ers write, the cheaper their message. Eventually, it will be worthless -- maybe it already is...
