Breaking news ....
Borderliner Nonworkers Union Local 6/14 was subject to a surprise
lockout by City Police Management today. A spokesman for police
management explained that the police will serve and protect all
citizens; however, the members of BNU 6/14 have informed them that they
no longer need city police services.
The spokesman explained, "BNU 6/14 wants to have the freedom to start
their own market-based private police department. They have stated
repeatedly that they have better police skills than us anyway. Based on
that, we put up the fence and said 'have at it boys!'"
The irony is that BNU 6/14 has been conducting a sit down strike for
years and nobody noticed.
Those bars look like they put the iron in irony. Just like the OTBL'ers are the "i's" in idiots.