
Temper Tantrum Coming

HSO Editor Asleep at the Wheel
Filed under: Politics National, Politics Local, Education Hudson --- N. Onimous @ 9:16 pm
"So much for the editor doing the right thing this week. I did, however, see that after Bob Baumann whined about letter placement he has had two letters in a row hit the pole position. I guess temper tantrums do pay off, even when they're done by an adult(?)".

Do you really think nobody knows who you are N. Onimous?
You are the biggest tantrum thrower in this town.

Message to Doug Stohlberg: Alert, Alert Tantrum coming. From the RIGHT- WATCH-OUT.
N. Onimous, we'll be watching for you first place letter.


  1. It is not Weese...CW has not gone on personal attacks against teachers, his biggest beef has always been the people on the school board. Plus he would have known that Ellingson was not working full time + he knows Ellingson's wife is a swim coach so Weese, although not a supporter by any means knows the school system much more the Kilber and would not have made idiotic comments as N.Onimous stated about the Ellingson's paychecks.

    N.Onimous is the incompetent Kilber as he is not in touch with the school system he thinks he is. Also notice the errors he makes when posting his barney photos, only the admin can make those mistakes.

    Kilber is admin, in the know, N.onimous, N.Competent

  2. Luke Says:
    February 18th, 2006 at 8:37 am
    "I’ve seen those bumper stickers Embers. One of the more vocal mudslingers has a “Hillary 2008″ bumper sticker right next to his “Support Hudson Schools” bumper sticker. Then I see one of his friends has a “Kerry/Edwards”/”Support Hudson Schools” combo. Of course then another one has a “W”(with a line through it)/”Support Hudson Schools” combo on his suburban. It gives you a little bit of an idea as to the mindset of the opposition."

    Source, don't forget LUKE! Can you say STALKER!!!

  3. I guess Admin. can pretend to be anyone he wants to be. But that doesn't make him N.Onimous.
    Barney wears all the hats below.
    N. Onimous
    Citizen Joe

    N.Onimous is the guy who digs through the District's Data Dumpster looking for dirt. Then flings it at district supporters.
    Of course none of them have
    real jobs so they can spend the day dishing the dirt like a bunch of desperate housewives.

  4. Isn't that funny that such a slanderous thing can be said on a PRIVATE BLOG! Get out! Nobody wants you here! OTBL says slanderous and erroneous statements constantly about teachers yet it is a private blog and nothing will be done.

    Please JPN...do not delete said comment.

  5. Easy Mr. Weese, nobody is believing such a statement. I suppose it is comparable to the mudslinging going on over at OTBL. Look at this way at least you are allowed to come on in and stand up for yourself. JPN does not discriminate, he invites all and welcomes all unlike Kilber. Kilber edits, deletes, and monitors all democratic posts only. You are free to say what you want on this site with no one limiting your free speech.

  6. To the person who just had a tantrum over a name being used on this blog.....
    Thanks for proving the point of this post. What's wrong with this blog using the excuses that you use at the OTBL blog N.Onimous buddy, that it's private and you can slander other local residents because they work for, or support the local school system. You are a hypocrite of the hightest magnitude. People are sick and tired of your bullying and they are final standing up.
    On your internet cyber sleeze rag, no one could even post a comment like you did here. It just so happens that we do believe in free speech not like you hypocrites.

  7. How do we know this is the real Curt Weese? Couldn't it just be an N.Onimous imposter trying to confuse people?

  8. Let it be known to Mr. Chris Kilber
    as the owner of the ontheborderline.net blog that he is taking full responsibility and liability for any slanderous and untrue statements that appear on his blog. Signed Those Previously Slandered February 18, 2006.

  9. Kilber is a good guy. Really. He takes full responsibilty for the trash that shows up on his blog. He allows no vulgar comments. He is an upstanding citizen. He's really nice. I know. I like him. He's great. He's a swell guy. His friends are nice too. They are swell. I am happy to live in the same town as them. I want them to come over to my house as soon as possible so I can treat them to a great big piece of cake. I love them. They are sooooo nice.

  10. I don't know who I'm more fond of, the
    OTBL Admin. of Dick Chaney? It's a real toss up. They both do so much to promote
    good in the world that I just can't choose. I don't know whether it's OTBL Admin.'s computer hacking skills or his mutilation of the English language or his thinly veiled threats that make him more admirable. I think it's the company he keeps on the internet.
    I guess my vote goes to Dick Chaney, after all, all he did was shoot a man.

  11. CW, you and your asinine blogging buddies are a tremendous joke. Dr. this Dr. that-we're so smart and witty-ooooh. Harumph harumph...we are the first to fight for your rights-oooh. Let's talk about weapons and demonstrate our expertise-ooooh. I guess that makes me eclectic-oooooh. If you could only hear yourselves the way others do, I'm sure you'd speak a little less often. But I'm sure that won't happen so keep up the comedy show. Oh yeah, best of luck in the upcoming election.

    Signed, Ritch Ellingson (no relation to Scott) I was kicked off OTBL for speaking the truth.

    p.s. I believed what I heard about you and told all my friends - so sue me...

  12. Ritch,
    Welcome to the growing group of area people who are fed up with the tactics and antics of OTBL and are ready to speak up and fight back. Send an email to the admin of this blog and sign up to share your thoughts about our local neighborhood blogtroopers and other topics as well. As an excommunicated OTBL poster you might even be eligible for a signing bonus.

  13. Whoever came up with the heading "Temper Tantrum Coming" for this post was -- as they say in certain internet businesses -- right on the nuts!
