
Bush Bumper Stickers Spotted Along The Way

I was reading the ontheborderline.net blog and two of the most enlightened members of that blog klan where having an intellectual discussion about the First Amendment and bumperstickers. Their conversation deserves to be replayed on this site. Here goes:
embers Says:
February 17th, 2006 at 10:47 pm : "Hey Luke, is the First Amendment before or after the Second Amendment? I get them two mixed up. Anyway, do the First Amendment cover bumperstickers on cars? I asked this because I seen some I didn't like."

Luke Says:
February 18th, 2006 at 8:37 am
I’ve seen those bumper stickers Embers. One of the more vocal mudslingers has a “Hillary 2008″ bumper sticker right next to his “Support Hudson Schools” bumper sticker. Then I see one of his friends has a “Kerry/Edwards”/”Support Hudson Schools” combo. Of course then another one has a “W”(with a line through it)/”Support Hudson Schools” combo on his suburban. It gives you a little bit of an idea as to the mindset of the opposition.
I felt bad thinking that people would drive around in their Saabs and Volvos with a "W" (with a line through it) drinking lattes. I decided to do some investigative, photojournalism. So, even though it's the kind of day that makes me long for global warming, I dug out my Big Swinger and went in search of "W" stickers that didn't have a line through them. I found some. Check out the pictures below.

Then as I was driving by the golf course, I saw the OTBL camera crew swing into the parking lot in OTBL utility vehicle. They were probably there to film school officials eating supper. They too have a interesting stickers on that car:

As the OTBL cruiser past by, I was able to get a picture of some of the many bumper stickers that are on the back of the car:

I just thank the Lord eveyday that the world is blessed with compassionate conservatives like my friends at OTBL. Tonight I'm going to start reading their bible -- Ayn Rand's "The Virtues Of Selfishness" and, who knows, tomorrow I may e-mail the OTBL admin and ask if I can join their klan.


  1. I don't think this is funny. I going to go back and live in the dark ages ontheborderline with my friend the Anti-Anti-Bill Danielson.

  2. Dear anti-embers,

    When you go back to the dark side of the borderline, and talk to the Anti-Anti Bill Danielson, could you say a special howdy for me to my Autie
    Ayn Rand. Thanks a bunch. OH by the way, with a name like anti-embers you've got to be cool.
