
Hit The Tax Spending Ceiling? Duct Tape Solves School Space Controversy

We have independently hired the Mise-Danielson Consulting (MDC) firm from Deliverance, Mississippi. MDC is an educational consulting firm located in the Mississippi backwaters.MDC has provided preliminary proposals for resolving imaginary yet continuing crowding problems at HHS. Dan Williamson Ph.D., Senior Architectural
Design Associate and part time blogger and street preacher, stated: "The problem of space utilization at the High School is indeed an imaginary one. There's plenty of space it's just not being properly utilized." Williamson cites the School Board's inability to escape the collectivist group think horizontalist space paradigm and adopt the vertical, freedom loving, tax saving individualist model.

" Just look up", says Williamson, "There's plenty of space, we just need to get students into it." Dr. Williamson has brought in outside materials consultants 3M and Red Green (PBS comedy show host) to recommend retro materials to provide a low budget solution. Both consultants recommend Duct tape. Ontheborderline representatives have raved about the Williamson solution. "Now the space problem can be solved by utilizing only a small portion of the missing $4.5 Million slush fund. It's a great day for taxpayers."

Some ontheborderline have suggested that this solutions doesn't go far enough. They cite examples of other school districts actually generating funds via the use of Duct Tape.

For Example:
Raising School Funds with Duct Tape
You bet duct tape can fix budget cuts! These principals from around the country have raised money, helped reading and recycling programs by selling and/or awarding strips of duct tape then letting their students tape them to the wall.

Source: http://www.octanecreative.com/ducttape/walltapings/

Borderline blogger "Taxboy" commented: "Thanks to MDC, tax levies will certainly be going down. Let's not hear anymore talk of a referendum. I'll be waiting for my tax rebate in the mail".

1 comment:

  1. If the answer isn't duct tape, you're
    asking the wrong question!!!
