
Leo Vipond Speaks His Mind On Walker


  1. May be you should read a book to improve your limited vocabulary

  2. Yo Anon, I love it when you type FUCK. I makes me bust a nut...I mean peanut. It also reminds me that you didn't get that round mouth from eating three square meals a day.

    When's your next OTBL.nut hot tube party?

    You are so cute in the little Hitler hat and the chaps.

  3. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    Gee Anonymous I do exercise the body but had some medical issues over the winter. During the last summer I did ride a bicycle for a total of over 8,000 miles for the summer. Over 22,000 for the past 4 seasons. Last winter due to illness was the first winter in many years that I did not swim at least 50 miles during the winter. I also worked as a hired consultant for a right wing conservative man that would easily have won a state governship. We together figured it would have hurt badly his multi-million dollar business to serve as Governor. Anonymous, what is your preferred exercise routine?

  4. See I can be anonymous to. (see above)

    But I am willing to identify myself. It is the American way of standing on the soapbox and stating your views openly. Come join me on the soapbox and identify yourself.
