
Don't Like the Facts?..... Change Them

IN the 24 hours before the McCain campaign put the finishing touches on its surprise announcement Friday that Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska would be the Republican vice presidential candidate, one Wikipedia user was putting the finishing touches on her biography on the site.

Beginning at 2 a.m Eastern time on Thursday, a Wikipedia user with the name YoungTrigg began an overhaul of the article, adding compelling stories about her upbringing, including that “she earned the nickname ‘Sarah Barracuda’ because of her intense play” as point guard for her high school basketball team and that she and her father “would sometimes wake at 3 a.m. to hunt moose before school.”

Many details were culled from, and footnoted to, the book “Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment on Its Ear,” by Kaylene Johnson.

Soon enough, YoungTrigg pivoted from the biographical to the political, adding that Ms. Palin had high approval ratings as governor and that, as mayor, she had “kept her campaign promises, reducing her own salary, as well as reducing property taxes 60 percent.”

As governor, YoungTrigg wrote, her “tenure is noted for her willingness to take on oil companies” and that she has been called “a ‘politician of eye-popping integrity.’ ” Both of those statements were attributed to a profile in the conservative Weekly Standard magazine.

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  1. Do you know if Palin was a fulltime mayor?

  2. Anonymous,

    I don't know what "fulltime mayor" means, unless is has something to do with working wage.

    What seens to be missed in many of "the former Mayor's" blog biographies is her stint with the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, where she chaired the Commission from 2003 to 2004, and also served as Ethics Supervisor. From what I understand, she resigned in January 2004 in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Republican members. Sounds a bit idealistic and post-partisan.

    Also missing in many of her online biographies is the fact that she was elected Governor of Alaska in 2006, and has subsequently served for the past 2 years or so with an 80 percent approval rating.

    So your focus on her backgound may be misplaced; yes she was a PTA member, and a city council member, and a mayor...but she also chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and has served as governor for almost 2 years.
    All in all, she seems to have the right career path for a Washington executive leadership role.

  3. Hey Roadkill,

    I thought you were one of those anti-socialist types???
    Funny how you support the governor of a state that pays residents just to live there.
    Check out the Permanent Fund Dividend
    Oh and maybe you should do a little research on how Palin was begging for
    Federal Gov. earmarks as mayor of her pint size town.
    But what do you expect from the 2nd half of the Flipper ticket?
    She was for earmarks before she was against them.
    One more thing. Cutting the budget of a State that is a wash surplus funds doesn't take a lot of courage.
