
Ferraro Resigns from Hillary Campaign

Ferraro said Illinois senator was succeeding because he was black


  1. The party that balkanized America through identity-group politics is reaping what it has sowed.

    Ferraro should look in the mirror and ask herself what she brought to the 1984 Democrat ticket besides her gender.

    Her comments also point up what I have tried to get across to you before, to wit: The party with the race-relations problem is, and always has been, the Democrats.

    Contemporary Democrats like docile blacks who vote for them, thank them for caring and for their handouts, and do what they are told. They do not like strong, talented, individualist blacks who refuse that deal and will not stay in their place.

  2. If Hillary Clinton was a white man, she wouldn't be in her current position in the primary.

  3. No doubt. If she were a man, she would not have been Bill Clinton's first lady, so her/his resume would be almost as thin as Obama's (7 years in the US Senate, vice 3).

    I think the race issue could very well tear the old Democratic identiy-group coalition apart this year.

    On the other hand, what are the chances of an Obama-Clinton fusion ticket to keep things together?

  4. Hillary will never play second fiddle to Obama. When she suggested a combined ticket last week with Obama as VP, Obama laughed it off and asked why, as the current leader, should he accept a second-class position on her ticket? I thought it was a well-placed comment.

  5. FDR's first VP, Cactus Jack Garner had this to say about the VP job: "The vice presidency job isn't worth a picther of warm piss."

  6. Ferraro must be the official bitch slapper for the Clinton campaign. I'm sure she has resigned from the campaign, but I'm guessing they have her cell phone number, in case they need to talk.

    Pennsylvania looms big on the horizon. Don't know who said it, but they said Pennsylvania has Philedelphia on the east end, Pittsburgh on the west end and Alabama in the middle. Certainly Farraro was appealing to the 'Bama voters in the Keystone state.

    Farraro must have her white-women blinders, if she thinks Obama's only qualifications are that he's Black. What were JFK's qualifications? What actually are Hillary's qualifications? Evidently, the Clinton campaign has a hard time figuring out that the country might be in the mode for a change and Clinton and McCain are the establishment candidates.

    Had lunch with a two-time Bush voters yesterday who said he plans to vote for Obama, if he gets the nomination. When asked who he'll vote for if it is Hillary, he said McCain. Although he thinks Hillary is a smart politician, he doesn't think she'd bring back the furniture and china the Clintons took.

  7. Sunny,

    Pssstt. Your geographic and demographic elitism is showing.

    I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t elect that divisively racist bitch-slapper to the Vice Presidency in 1984. Which party thought she would make a good VP again? Oh yeah.

    But honestly, you don’t really want to suggest that Senator Obama’s qualifications are anywhere near what John Kennedy’s were, do you? Good golly; Calling Lloyd Benson!

    JFK was a decorated war hero, a PT boat skipper who survived having his boat cut in half by a Japanese destroyer, and then although grievously injured himself, towed a more seriously injured crewman to safety on an island, rallied the rest of his crew, and got all the survivors back alive. He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal and a Purple Heart (for injuries actually caused by the enemy, no less). And no, he didn’t make home movies of himself while in the service, either.

    He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1946, and re-elected in 1948 and 1950. He ran successfully for the US Senate in 1952 and was re-elected in 1958 before embarking on his White House run in 1960. A total of 14 years of service at the Federal level.

    Senator Obama, on the other hand, has no military experience (although admittedly that is not a disqualifier), 8 years in the Illinois legislature, and 3 years in the US Senate – much of which has been devoted to running for president. He has proposed no legislation of any significance, and has an unremarkable voting record (for the votes he is around to cast, that is) unless straight party line voting can somehow be deemed remarkable.

    I’m not saying that Barack Obama needs more experience to be President, and I’m certainly not suggesting that Hillary Clinton’s resume is any better.

    But Senator Obama, my good man, is no Jack Kennedy!

  8. I wouldn't save Ferraro's comments made her a racist, but in politics, overheated rhetoric is part of the game. This is politics; facts have little to do with any of it. Its emotions played to the hilt.

    You say Obama is no JFK. I say prove it. What did JFK accomplish in his three years as President? The historical reality is that he actually accomplished little more than inspire people. JFK's assassination made him a martyr and overshadowed what little he actually accomplished.

    Remember that JFK was the first Catholic President. He was a young, handsome, articulate, charismatic person that got people out to vote and he barely won.

    The JFK war hero comment is also interesting. Maybe the Swift-boating of John Kerry was started much earlier and should have been called the PT-boating of JFK. I seem to remember that there was much controversy around the actual events of what happened to PT-109. I remember hearing that Ol' Joe Kennedy helped grease the publicity skids for his son and also paid some one to ghost write "Profiles In Courage" and pulled some strings to get the book a Pulitzer Prize. JFK was involved in coupes and did the same anti-communist intervention in Latin America that Reagan and his Iran Contras into trouble.

    Then we have Hillary. What actually is her experience? What has she done that points to her record being superior to Obama's for the Presidency? For that matter, what did Bill Clinton do that was so outstanding? If Hillary is basing her record on Bill’s accomplishments, she is selling us some very thin soup.

    The qualifications for US President are to be 35 years, born a US citizen and not being a convicted felon. Obama, Hillary and McCain appear to meet those qualifications. Although some right-wing nuts say McCain isn’t qualified because he was born in the Panama Canal while his father the admiral was stationed there.

  9. Sunny,

    Hope Monger, who put up the original post, used a sub-title, attributed to Ferraro, that said Obama was succeeding because he was black. Maybe I mis-understood his point, but it seemed to me that Hope Monger was criticizing Ferraro’s suggestion that Obama’s race was helping him.

    But I do find your disparaging comments about JFK very surprising, coming as they do from a liberal. Then again, you’re a smart guy, and probably realize that a cold-war liberal like Kennedy would not be welcome in today’s small tent Democrat party, where ideological purity is valued far more than substance, competence, or character.

    But of course, I was responding to your earlier post which asked about JFK’s qualifications for the Presidency. In that comparison, as I explained, Senator Obama does not stack up very well.

    Then again, I’ll give Senator Obama this over Kennedy: He was able to win a state-wide election in Illinois without needing the Chicago Democrat machine to rig the election.

  10. Sunny,

    Hope Monger, who put up the original post, used a sub-title, attributed to Ferraro, that said Obama was succeeding because he was black. Maybe I mis-understood his point, but it seemed to me that Hope Monger was criticizing Ferraro’s suggestion that Obama’s race was helping him.

    But I do find your disparaging comments about JFK very surprising, coming as they do from a liberal. Then again, you’re a smart guy, and probably realize that a cold-war liberal like Kennedy would not be welcome in today’s small tent Democrat party, where ideological purity is valued far more than substance, competence, or character.

    But of course, I was responding to your earlier post which asked about JFK’s qualifications for the Presidency. In that comparison, as I explained, Senator Obama does not stack up very well.

    Then again, I’ll give Senator Obama this over Kennedy: He was able to win a state-wide election in Illinois without needing the Chicago Democrat machine to rig the election.

  11. Anon,

    "Hope Monger, who put up the original post, used a sub-title, attributed to Ferraro, that said Obama was succeeding because he was black. Maybe I mis-understood his point, but it seemed to me that Hope Monger was criticizing Ferraro’s suggestion that Obama’s race was helping him."

    Anon, you are correct. If a Republican white man made the statements Ferraro did, he'd be lynched. In my mind her comments were demeaning and yes, dare I say
    racist. I'd assume that a Democrat would have better sense. I guess I was wrong.
