
Sermon On Mount Fruitcake


  1. OK, so what I'm trying to understand here is that does everybody who voted yes owe everybody an apology, or is Ziller just being singled out and the only one who should apologize? Even though the yes votes won, they blame this all on Ziller?? Can somebody please explain?

  2. I think Mr. Peanut was in that "Parting Shot" post. You know the KKK one. He should really be afraid that the White house will become the Black House. LOL

  3. Canrac:

    It's probably Ziller's fault that Pamida is closing and the County Market closed. He should have bought more baloney there. Who actually cares that Pamida closed. It's just another big box store with no local ties. Besides that the prices where too high and the serviced sucked.

    County Market was a nice store, but it's prices were also high. The were high enough -- before Walmart opened -- to send people to Hudson or Stillwater to by groceries and go to Walmart there.

    Of course, one wonders why a rat's nest of disgruntled fruitcakes from Hudson would care so dearly about the price of property in New Richmond. Go figure...

  4. I think the point of the comments that comprise the post (sans cartoon image) is that Bob Ziller, a former member of the New Richmond School Board, frequent contributor to the New Richmond News Letter pages, and purveyor of arcane "analysis" of public finance impacts, has something to answer for now that the magnatude of the Referendum calamity in New Richmond is starting to be regcognized. Plunging housing prices, sky-rocketing forclosures, and relentless commerical flight from the city all suggest that this huge referendum debt will soon bankrupt the District and the City. Its natural to look for scapegoats, and Bob's high profile backing of the referendum makes him an easy target.

  5. If you ask the question "Name the City" and say plunging house prices, sky-rocketing foreclosures, commercial flight, you will get 1,000 different answers, New Richmond is not the only place. Had the school referendum failed then what would they be saying?

  6. Evidently, had the referendum failed, the price of land in and around New Richmond would be skyrocketing as people from across America flocked to area to take advantage of the deteriorating schools.

    Actually, economic downturns happen. If Ziller could have predicted it, he would qualify for an economic advisor position in the White House with the MBA president. That would be the president who was telling us how great the economy was a couple months ago.

    Not only are the house prices dropping, but so are the 401Ks. It's all part of the risk of living in a free market economy.
