
Village (of North Hudson) People Speak Out


  1. This picture explains a great deal as to why Curt at OTBL would have the qualifications to call the superintendent of the school system a criminal. Looks like he hangs with law enforcement.

    But then again, this seems strange to me. Aren't the police another group with Cadillac bennies and suckling off the taxes-are-theft tit of extortion.

    I suppose in his next life, Curt will hope to get a life.

    I've also notice that there are more posting names at OTBL. Maybe Curt is in his Chistopher Robin phase and needs to make up more playmates in his land of pooh -- as in bullshit.

    When it comes to credibility, he certainly doesn't have to be worried about being accussed of having any.

  2. Who does Mr. Peanut think he's fooling. He must have had a run in at the "Y" with the administration there. So now he's going to go after Holland. What )(^)(*&)*(*&^ joke. This guy really does need a life.

  3. Curt has never gotten over the fact that the rest of the guys at the YMCA laugh behind his back at how he admires himself in the weight room mirror - toupee and all.

  4. Are you sure it's a toupee? I thought he had hair implants. The implants should grow really well, considering the huge deposits of manure that the roots would be anchored in.
