
"Kids First" Group Proposes New Anti-Social Program

Dr. Dan Billiamson, Executive director of the Onthebottomline.Nut Conservative Stink Tank, "Kids First", has proposed yet another gem of anti-social engineering. Penned " The Git Yer Youngins Wirkin' Project ", it was first unveiled at the annual gather of "German Beer Drinking Social Misfits Convention" held at Dick's Bar and Harley Parking Lot, earier this week.
The " The Git Yer Youngins Wirkin'Project " proposes early release from day care for chilin' aged 2-4, to assist local underprivileged entrepreneurs who've recently suffered greatly, missing afternoon tee times at Troy Burn. "It's a travesty, that we have a ready and able source of untapped free labor and we are squandering it." said Dr. Billiamson in his keynote address to convention goers. " We need to "Just Vote No " to every penny proposed to help these looting class mothers who intentionally withhold access to this entrepreneurial source of free labor. They have no rational right under the Constitution of the United States to deter my pursuit of happiness".


  1. Take must be Dr. Bill himself. It looks like he is fertilizing the OTBL tree of knowledge, i.e. a peanut shrub. I believe he is fertilizing with the contents of his latest post or just plain bullshit...that might be oximoronic.

  2. It's not oximoronic, it's just redundant.
