Someone mentioned to me yesterday that Senator Joe McCarthy was gay. I hadn't heard that. I know that Roy Cohn, on of Mccarthy's staff members, was a closet homosexual. So I checked it out. There seems to be some similarities between McCarthy and Senator Larry Craig.
One thing I learned quickly is that anyone who disagreed with McCarthy or challenged on his theories was labelled a Communist. You were either with "Tail Gunner" Joe or you were a Communist subversive. Sounds familiar on the borderline.
Here's what I found:
"For some time opponents of McCarthy had been accumulating evidence concerning his homosexual activities. Several members of his staff, including Roy Cohn and David Schine, were also suspected of having a sexual relationship. Although well-known by political journalists, the first article about it did not appear until Hank Greenspun published an article in the Las Vegas Sun in 25th October, 1952. Greenspun wrote that: "It is common talk among homosexuals in Milwaukee who rendezvous in the White Horse Inn that Senator Joe McCarthy has often engaged in homosexual activities."
McCarthy considered a libel suit against Greenspun but decided against it when he was told by his lawyers that if the case went ahead he would have to take the witness stand and answer questions about his sexuality. In an attempt to stop the rumours circulating, McCarthy married his secretary, Jeannie Kerr. Later the couple adopted a five-week old girl from the New York Foundling Home."
Read more @ Spartacus.
"Cohn had close contacts within the FBI. That was important for McCarthy, who reportedly worked hand-in-glove with J. Edgar Hoover's bureau between 1950 and 1953...
Hoover was said to have recommended Roy Cohn for the post with McCarthy because he was impressed by the young attorney's railroading of Communist Party members Ethel Rosenberg and Julius Rosenberg to the electric chair on charges of passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. Hoover himself has been rumored to have had a long-term affair with an assistant, Clyde Tolson.
"As McCarthy's henchman and chief counsel he [Cohn--LF] was responsible for grilling suspected communists on their own sexual tendencies and on whether other people had 'homosexual tendencies.' Cohn and McCarthy subpoenaed gay men in the arts and threatened to out them if they did not produce a list of 'suspected Communists.' (
McCarthy had made a name for himself as point man for a far right-wing current that attacked the Truman administration for the "loss" of China from imperialist exploitation after the monumental Communist-led revolution there.
But when McCarthy leveled his guns at the Eisenhower administration for not being "tough enough" on communism, he got his comeuppance. That was when he found himself in the cross-hairs of the anti-homosexual witch hunt.
In 1952, journalist Hank Greenspun wrote a column about the ambitious senator which could not have found its way into print without powerful support. It said that "Joe McCarthy is a bachelor of 43 years. ... He seldom dates girls and if he does he laughingly describes it as window dressing. It is common talk among homosexuals in Milwaukee who rendezvous in the White Horse Inn that Senator Joe McCarthy has often engaged in homosexual activities." (Las Vegas Sun, Oct. 25, 1952)
Read more
"The Young Republicans held a state convention in Wausau, Wis., at which Sen. McCarthy was an honored guest. During the convention, McCarthy spent the night with William McMahon, formerly an official of the Milwaukee County Young Republicans, in a Wausau hotel room, at which time, McCarthy and McMahon engaged in illicit acts with each other."
Read more @ Blogactive.
Yes, I'm sure there is room for speculation on Joe McCarthy's sex life. But this in the past. What's happening today is what's important. A big question circulating respectable blogs is: Is Joe McCarthy's spiritual "daughter," Ann Clouter really a transsexual. Reliable sources say she is actually the former Arthur Coltrane of Pickens County, Georgia, The Coltrane's are an old Southern hog-farming family."
Read more @ The Weekly Standard, FOX News and Rush Limbaugh.
I always find it interesting how liberals, purportedly the allies of, and advocates for the GLBT community, so relish the opportunity to smear conservatives by intimating that they are gay or otherwise sexually disordered.
ReplyDeleteI agree. There is middle ground on this issue, but Craig was not there. He said one thing and did the exact opposite. He deserved to be exposed. He is a hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteYou've exposed the liberal contradiction on this issue now let's look at how the Republican party uses it to demonize "liberals". There's no doubt in my mind that the GOP uses this to scare conservatives into thinking that their sons and daughters are going to be indoctrinated into becoming gay by those who teach tolerance.
Let's be honest, this is an issue that only affects a small portion of us in our daily lives. Republicans use it as a diversion from the real economic harm they are doing to the middle class. Frankly, I'm at a loss as to why liberals embrace this issue so vehemently. Maybe it's because they need a new "minority" to defend.
ReplyDeleteDo you think this post is smearing the conservatives? It's exposing the hypocrisy of some of some conservatives. Likewise, it bringing up some interesting history.
If you think it is smearing, explain how that is? Of course, it's easier to charge "smearing" than swallow the truth and facts and understand that characters on both sides of the politcal pissing match have skid marks on their underwear. Evidently, if you go to the right restroom at the airport, you can actually see the skid marks.
ReplyDeleteI agree that conservatives use this as a wedge issue; they know they can peel off independents and conservative democrats who are uncomfortable with the liberal gay rights agenda.
But the reason this happens is not that liberals teach tolerance of gays and conservatives are intolerant. No, it’s a bit more complex than that. The fact is that Liberals not only teach tolerance of gays, but move solidly into advocacy of/for the gay lifestyle.
Its one thing to accept someone for who/what they are, and leave them alone; its something altogether different to celebrate and promote a lifestyle with which one disagrees. That is not bigotry; that is moral conscience and intellectual honesty. I, like most conservatives, know many gays, and am always polite and cordial to them. Moreover, I do not believe that they should be denied any rights that heterosexuals enjoy. Nevertheless, I do not feel that the gay lifestyle is healthy, nor should it be held out as an alternative model for society. As such, I consider myself tolerant of gays, but not an advocate for undue attention, special accommodations, or supernumerary rights (such as same-sex marriage) that are not already part of the civil code.
Sunny B.
Statements like this…
“Someone mentioned to me yesterday that Senator Joe McCarthy was gay. I hadn't heard that. I know that Roy Cohn, on of Mccarthy's staff members, was a closet homosexual. So I checked it out. There seems to be some similarities between McCarthy and Senator Larry Craig.”
…are full of speculation, here-say and innuendo, and are what are called a smear.
You seem to acknowledge this point when you go on to say…
“Yes, I'm sure there is room for speculation on Joe McCarthy's sex life.”
But then revert to form by posing the query…
“A big question circulating respectable blogs is: Is Joe McCarthy's spiritual "daughter," Ann Clouter really a transsexual?”
If you have a factual basis for calling McCarthy a homosexual, or Coulter a transsexual, present that evidence. If not, recognize that such unsubstantiated suggestions amount to a smear.
As for substantiated problems of sexual disorder on the conservative side, such as with, inter alia, Newt Gingrich, Robert Livingston, Mark Foley, David Vitter, and Larry Craig, the GOP has and always will move quickly to remove such hypocrites from office. To defend such behaviors would be to advocate for such problematic lifestyle choices.
ReplyDeleteThere was a little tongue-n-groove in my Ann clouter speculation. Gee, I certainly wouldn't think of smear a defenseless cunt like Clouter. Concerning McCarthy, if I'm smearing him, so be it. I think it's pretty well documented the Cohn was a homosexual and his boyfriend David Schine. Check out the documentary Point of Order. It's available through the MORE library system.
It documents the end of McCarthy and his smear campaign and it documents it in the words and actions of the actual people involved. McCarthy never outed one Communist, but he ruined my a career.
ReplyDeleteYou acknowledge that the GOP uses this issue as a wedge issue. Do you condone that? You may have a reasoned perspective that does not approve of the homosexual lifestyle while still respecting gay individuals. However, I'm sure this kind of political maneuver is seen by many on the right as a green light for gay bashing. I think many "values voters" buy into the lie that the Republican Party will legislate to uphold "family values". Promoting economic policies that force many parents to work several jobs thus not having sufficient time to devote to their families is a far cry from promoting "Family Values". And then there's the hypocrisy of the individuals you mentioned and more.
One such individual you failed to include was White House Press "reporter"/gay prostitute/pornographer Jeff Gannon. Not only did the White House not remove him from his position, they gave him special security privileges for numerous odd hour White House visits.
As for Ann Coulter. I think she is a despicable excuse for a human being. Her venomous books, and speeches incite people to make claims of her being a transexual knowing that they are exaggerations which paint a deservedly loathful picture of her personality.
I admire Ann Clouter. In the true free market since of wealth creation, she has found a niche to exploit and makes a good living at it.
ReplyDeletePissing off the lefties makes a few people very rich. Just ash Rush or Hannity. The left is jealous of Ann because the only weapon they have to combat her is their whiney, seif-righteous indignation.
You go girl.
As far as Ann Coulter goes, Sunny's got her pegged!
ReplyDeletePlus she's not even close to funny. Satire should be funny, Anny Coulter is just plain irritating.