
Quote of the Century

Here's an interesting comment I read in the comment section of the Holy Sacred Oracle. Put your hips boots on, it gets pretty deep...

"The only comment that I would like to make is that I find it absurd that the HSO would allow anonymous comments against citizens in our community. The individual who commented as "Mr. Peanut" is not me. I was told by a mere mortal this morning that someone using my identity was commenting out here. Expect for 50 or 60 times under my name and a bunch of times under other people's names, I have never commented on this site and don't intend to do so in the future. The fact that people can assume identities and demean fellow citizens just goes to show that the Holy Sacred Oracle slithers in along the bottom of the same wagon track and at the undetectable integrity level as the blog sewer known as OnTheBorderLine."

Luke O. Nonimous
07/04/1776 9:04 AM

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