
Market Forces Nearly Close Catholic High School

OTBL bloggers continually whine about the cost of "government schools" and
proclaim that if only schools were privatized and at the mercy of "market forces" then we would see a new dawn in education.

Here's an example of the new dawn. St. Agnes was closer to eternal darkness than a new dawn had it not been for some very generous and weathy donations
recieved in the nick of time to keep them afloat.
From the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

"This month, St. Agnes nearly shut its doors until two anonymous donors contributed $2.6 million and the school raised $750,000 more at the last minute. Meanwhile, St. Thomas Academy alumni continue donating millions to the thriving all-boys school, and enrollment remains at capacity."

"Parent Sarah Mealey, of Bloomington, spends nearly $40,000 a year to send her four children to Catholic schools."

"Urban Catholic schools, such as St. Agnes, increasingly recognize they must be effective at raking in money and recruiting students to stay open."

I wonder how many Wal-Mart jobs a parent would have to have to keep their kids in school when the OTBL "New Dawn" of market based education arises?
Probably something like 5 or 6. Who needs sleep anyway?

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