
The Best Wisconsin Supreme Court Money Can Buy

We hear a lot of chatter about how the teachers' union is such a big influence in Wisconsin politics. Here's an interest story about the millions spent by the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce group to get Annette Zeigler elected to the state Supreme Court. No doubt, the WMC is a big proponent of the "free market" system.

By Doug Hissom

With the resounding victory by conservative Supreme Court candidate Annette Ziegler, expect an even more emboldened campaign effort next year from Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the state's big business mouthpiece and lobby group. WMC pumped in millions on behalf of the Ziegler camp, producing inflammatory position papers and, of course, a plethora of TV and radio air time.

The latest lobs from WMC were an extension of the group's effort to support Mark Green against Jim Doyle for governor in November. But WMC is clearly getting better in the realm of being a political player and independent expenditure group. And they have no qualms about getting in the dirt and slinging mud for their anointed ones.

We should expect an even larger hyperbolic push from WMC next year as Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler faces voters for the first time. Butler, a former Milwaukee judge, was appointed by Doyle in 2004 and for the most part, represents everything that WMC finds evil. A key vote by Butler -- to the disdain of WMC -- was to overturn caps on medical malpractice suits. That issue was used to galvanize the conservative faithful against Linda Clifford in her race against Ziegler.

Read more @On Milwaukee.com

Related stories on how WMC and other lobby groups influenced last Tuesday's Supreme Court race.

Wisconsin State Journal: Ziegler wins bitter race; Clifford dominates Dane County

Isthmus Daily Page: Linda Clifford's lost cause

Racine Journal Times: Calls for reform increase after contentious Supreme Court race

1 comment:

  1. Quote of Note:

    "Let me tell you, gentlemen, if you destroy the labor unions in this country, you destroy liberty when you strike the blow, and you would leave the poor bound and shackled and helpless to do the bidding of the rich. It would take this country back to the time when there were masters and slaves."

    Clarence Darrow
