
Children it's Wednesday afternoon. Do you know why your dad is swearing at the newspaper?


  1. This was excellent, you got a laugh out of me in the morning which is rare.

  2. Maybe, if you spend more time watching Clifford the Big Red Dog in the morning, you would be able to laugh more. There should be no reason why you can't do that...unless you have to go to work. If that's the case, then you are not of the caliber of wealth creator I would stoop to talk to.

    I got to go to the store to get me weekly editor of the HSO. You can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to be blogging about Jay Griggs if they didn't print my letter this week.

  3. I'm easily entertained. Next to reading cartoons my favorite good for a laugh thing is watching replays of public meetings where people make asses out of themselves. Right behind that its reading letters to the editor about letters to the editor that weren't printed. Then there is always OTBL for a laugh or two.

  4. OTBL good for a laugh or two?
    Ha, bloggers here have made careers out of laughing at them for over 2 years. Their still the cheapest entertainment ticket in town.

  5. To prove reruns are still considered valuable. Tonight OTBL is discussing ancient history like Ron Bernth, Arnie Fett, and the threat letter. (yeah boys, I bet the new police chief will be jumping right on that one) I guess its safe to say the OTBL morons are living in the past. It was almost as funny as the cartoon, but not quite.

    I heard Luke actually called the New Richmond School District asking about the job of checking ID's at the door at board meetings.

  6. Hey! Hudson's 2003 referendum was defeated by a landslide! We own this town! Don't ever say we are living in the past again!!
