
Tax Saving Strategies from OTBL

When being nuts is what you do for a living, you don't have to let the taxman confiscate your hard earned pay.
Remember, School Board Harassment is a legitimate business activity and fully tax deductable. That copy machine you lug to the meetings... Write it off! Calling the employers of local Socialists, late night threat calls... They're all a cost of doing business. Remember other deductable items, videotape, duct tape, and clown suits. Your subscription to The Von Mises Monthly, the John Birch Society Newsletter and The Hudson Star Observer ( if you haven't cancelled yet ) , another deductable expense. Don't forget the internet ink and the cost of your bitstream.
These are just a few ideas to save on you tax bill, just like Alfonse. Good luck, and see you in the "pen".

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tax Advisor

    Would the following items also be deductible?

    1) The nutz you munch while doing the late night calling and commentary writing?

    2) Your subscription to the HSO if you utilize it for bird cage liner? If you claim not to read it, but like to be at the HSO on Weds. pm to get the latest copy is it still tax deductible.

    3) Pooper scoopers even if you lie and don't use one?

    4) Travel expense to public meetings as long as you wear the ass clown suit?


